[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien van Steenbergen Martien at AardRock.COM
Mon May 25 13:41:53 CEST 2009

On 21 May 2009, at 17:35 , marc fawzi wrote:
> You should really read the full model description in P2P Energy  
> Economy and argue against the logic used there, and if you do  
> successfully I'd be delighted to give it another update. It has not  
> received much feedback in the last couple of months and I can only  
> take it to mean that A) it has become to hard for people to digest  
> in full and/or B) no one is able to find critical flaws in the logic  
> (and if they do that would be terrific, so I urge you to read it and  
> make your arguments there rather than shooting-from-the-hip  
> judgments that are founded in lack of understanding of the 'fixed  
> cost + fixed profit margin' model.

I've skimmed through this material, and I simply did not find the time  
to read and digest it. It does have my serious interest, though. If I  
can only find the time...

It may also be the case that is is indeed to hard to grasp. Perhaps  
drip-feed it, or convert it into a pattern language?

> As far as perpetual motion goes, I'm not sure how a thermoeconomic  
> system where the currency is basically an accounting energy flow  
> growth can be anything but a while(growth) loop.

I find myself resisteng the word ‘growth’, since it seems to be the  
cure for everything. Yet, unlimited (exponential) growth is self- 
destructive. Although a baby grows into an adult, there is an  
asymptotic limit. Most, if not all, healthy growth follows an s-curve.  
I prefer the term development or unfolding over growth for the time  

Succes en plezier,


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