[p2p-research] Ways to frame the p2p agenda

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun May 24 08:59:16 CEST 2009

Dear friends,

and in particular, our friends in cc,

I'm sensing that this is a very important article: see

It aims to improve our understanding on how we can change people's mindsets
towards sustainability, going beyond Lakoff's ideas on framing

I will have a hard week preparing for my first classes, so I'm really hoping
that one of you can tackle this subject for our blog?



George Lakoff's progressive framing is insufficient, here's a more
encompassing alternative understanding: For Connolly, there are no "frames"
to be found in our "neural circuitry," and that circuitry is not organized
secondarily by "values" which "determine our identity." What there is,
instead, are complex, layered interactions between thinking and emotion
(both of which are biologically and culturally mediated), action and ethos
(or sensibility), and micro- and macro-political practices which are
supported by the structured relations and infrastructural formations that
make up our world. The emphasis, in Connolly's work, is not so much on
changing the frames as it is on combining efforts across a wide range of
activities and scales in order to create "contagious resonances" across
constituencies, resonances that carry ideas as well as sensibilities

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