[p2p-research] further contribution by David Ronfeldt on p2p as successor system

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sat May 23 10:26:56 CEST 2009

Great. Now personal insults.

I suggest you look up the definition of sociopath and you;ll find out you're
looking in the mirror

I suggested LOGIC as the basis of any rules not Arbitrariness.

Logic, not Crowd Rule. Not Top Down Rule. Just Logic: i.e. if Google hides
long messages, let's find out what is the ax length it treats as normal and
let's use that. Else, it is an arbitrary decision.

If you call sticking to logic over arbitrary decisions sociopathic, I
suggest you pursue higher education, or even college.


On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/23/09, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The community is defined by its actions which are directly those of its
> > members.
> >
> > As of now, it is a community that is supporting top down
> > dictatorship/censorship.
> >
> > So you tell me if the community is legitimate right now?
> >
> > Deferring to a vote by the crowd on this issue does not make it right to
> me
> > personally because it is based on the Wisdom of Crowds which is null and
> > void in my view.
> Before, you objected to what you considered the arbitrary and top-down
> judgment of Ryan, Michel and me, and questioned our right to speak for
> anyone else.  Now you're basically saying that even if a majority of
> the group are of like mind, there is no conceivable way that you will
> accommodate anyone else by reining in behavior that is obnoxious,
> antagonistic and inconsiderate.  Apparently YOUR idea of "due process"
> is you get what you want, and the rest of us do a work around.
> You may see this as a struggle between a free, creative spirit and the
> herd, but all I see is a sociopath who feels entitled (as Ryan put it)
> to defecate on the group and refuse to budge an inch, because he's a
> Boy Genius.
> > So you're right, you guys keep YOUR list.
> >
> > Governance does not have to be this way.
> >
> > Experiment concluded.
> > Enjoy YOUR community :)
> >
> > I love happy endings.
> Great--works for me, too.  Maybe some of the people you drove off the
> list will come back now.
> --
> Kevin Carson
> Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
> Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
> http://www.mutualist.org/id47.html
> Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html


Marc Fawzi
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