[p2p-research] Continuation of Money Flow Thread

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Fri May 22 20:46:13 CEST 2009

I've noticed that I can't cut messages down in size when I'm replying from a
tiny phone screen. It would take 5 actual minutes to select and scroll down
on a Blackberry.

But I believe the admins have relaxed the limit already since I stopped
getting bounces when replying to that long chain on money flow...

The logical limit should be what Google considers good length for a message
to show up close to the top of search results... as opposed to a limit
chosen based on personal choice be it our invdividual preference or the

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> As far as I know, the 100k limit was always like that,
> I'm not sure what the rationale is, but I leave this to the list admins,
> kevin and ryan.
> It seems to me that some limits are acceptable in terms of bandwidth
> management,
> Perhaps such 'admin' meta discussions should take place in p2p-f rather
> than here?
> Michel
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 5:00 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Someone set the message length to 100K max.
>> We need to figure out the Google length threshold (max length for messages
>> before Google starts hiding them) and use that, and just deal with it, not
>> because of some arbitrary netiquette.
>> Anyway, the bounced message follows below:
>> ~~
>> <<
>>> If you have a replicator, all is good.
>> >>
>> Peer production is NOT about magic replicators.
>> If production is open and sustainable (I list 10 or 11 conditions for
>> sustainability in the P2P Energy Economy) then THEORETICALLY anyone with
>> average IQ, interest and motivation should be able to reproduce any given
>> product or service. Even if the theoretical ideal is met 20% of the way,
>> that is a huge improvement over centralized production.
>> I agree that production eventually turns centralized to increase
>> efficiency but at the cost of resiliency/redundancy. Yet you cannot ban
>> peers from investing in centralization. But if resiliency, not efficiency,
>> is rewarded with higher profit then they have you remove the reason for
>> centralization. *(Note to self: this is one key fix that needs to be made
>> to P2P Energy Economy. The other fix is guaranteeing growth of energy flow
>> between peers which is a much harder problem... but can have a similar
>> solution thru a strategic reward model.)*
>> <<
>> I doubt your system would work as well as the greedy managers.
>> >>
>> If by "work as well as" you mean "efficiency at a moral cost" then you're
>> right. But your definition of "works well" would be immoral, too, in my
>> view.
>> <<
>>> 1. What do you mean when you say "pay too much"?
>> >>
>> over 30% above median cost is too much.
>> <<
>>> 2. What is the actual definition of "greed" and when does a profit maker
>>> cross the line?
>> >>
>> Skipping definition of greed, anything above 30% is excessive, IMO.
>> <<
>>> 3. How do you adjust to median cost when efficiencies will vary all
>>> around that price based on efficiencies, capital investment, innovation,
>>> labor costs, etc.?
>> >>
>> Good question, but not intractable to a computer.
>> You have to realize that computers will take over, sooner or later, so
>> prepare for it or ignore it at your descendants' peril :)
>> Marc
>> --
>> Marc Fawzi
>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Marc-Fawzi/605919256
>> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcfawzi
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Marc Fawzi
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Marc-Fawzi/605919256
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcfawzi
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