[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please

Stefan Merten smerten at oekonux.de
Fri May 22 19:14:39 CEST 2009

Hi Athina!

3 days ago Athina Karatzogianni wrote:
> As much as entertaining this is, it just occurred to me, that we could
> actually set a reading on this and discuss freely, at least then we can use
> a common base and language to talk about this, a specific author for
> instance we can agree on and preferably contemporary, even better of the
> last year to capture the crisis. This way at least there is a platform to
> launch from a proper debate and avoid the 'you and nonsense, no common
> sense, semantic misunderstanding' etc.

As I said: I am not a stakeholder in this debate because my questions
are answered since long. Nonetheless I took the effort to Google a bit
for you.

Since Michel now openly refers to Silvio Gesell I tried Googling for
"Gesell Marx" "Gesell critique" and "Gesell criticism" but it seems
that the whole critical discussion is more or less completely in
German :-( .

However, I found a text from Norbert Trenkle at


explaining the financial crisis. I only read the German original
written im May 2008 - when financial crisis was young. Those of you
who are shocked by warnings of grave dangers can savely skip a few
warnings of antisemitic dangers - they are not necessary if you are
only interested in understanding the crisis.

In fact on this level of abstraction I think the article says all what
is necessary. Unfortunately the very good material from the Krisis
group explaining contemporary capitalism very well is mostly available
in German. If you can read German try


Apart from that I recently saw (parts of) a nice BBC documentation of
the book "The Ascent of Money" by Niall Ferguson (try Google - though
the videos seem to have vanished :-( ). In a way it is a nice add-on
to the text from Norbert Trenkle because the latter episodes deal with
concrete political decisions which blew up the financial bubble for
the past 30+ years.



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