[p2p-research] The beginnings of P2P Universities?

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 16:53:52 CEST 2009

Just got this message on Facebook...

Scott MacLeod sent a message to the members of World University and School.
Subject: World University & School
World University and School, like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware ~ in
all languages, nation states, subjects and levels, and potentially degree-
and credit-granting ~ is growing.
Check out the great, free educational software here -
And there are a lot of new resources on all the pages.
Invite friends to join this group, as well as post. Wikipedia, for example,
is in 70 languages and has 10 million articles, starting in 2002. Let's grow
World University and School in all languages.
World University and School offers a great opportunity to share ideas, as
well as practice teaching.
What would you like to teach or learn at World University and School? Please
let me know and 'Edit this page' at WUaS.

Ryan Lanham
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