[p2p-research] Continuation of Money Flow Thread

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Fri May 22 00:00:37 CEST 2009

Someone set the message length to 100K max.

We need to figure out the Google length threshold (max length for messages
before Google starts hiding them) and use that, and just deal with it, not
because of some arbitrary netiquette.

Anyway, the bounced message follows below:

> If you have a replicator, all is good.

Peer production is NOT about magic replicators.

If production is open and sustainable (I list 10 or 11 conditions for
sustainability in the P2P Energy Economy) then THEORETICALLY anyone with
average IQ, interest and motivation should be able to reproduce any given
product or service. Even if the theoretical ideal is met 20% of the way,
that is a huge improvement over centralized production.

I agree that production eventually turns centralized to increase efficiency
but at the cost of resiliency/redundancy. Yet you cannot ban peers from
investing in centralization. But if resiliency, not efficiency, is rewarded
with higher profit then they have you remove the reason for centralization.
*(Note to self: this is one key fix that needs to be made to P2P Energy
Economy. The other fix is guaranteeing growth of energy flow between peers
which is a much harder problem... but can have a similar solution thru a
strategic reward model.)*

I doubt your system would work as well as the greedy managers.

If by "work as well as" you mean "efficiency at a moral cost" then you're
right. But your definition of "works well" would be immoral, too, in my


> 1. What do you mean when you say "pay too much"?

over 30% above median cost is too much.


> 2. What is the actual definition of "greed" and when does a profit maker
> cross the line?

Skipping definition of greed, anything above 30% is excessive, IMO.


> 3. How do you adjust to median cost when efficiencies will vary all around
> that price based on efficiencies, capital investment, innovation, labor
> costs, etc.?

Good question, but not intractable to a computer.

You have to realize that computers will take over, sooner or later, so
prepare for it or ignore it at your descendants' peril :)



Marc Fawzi
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Marc-Fawzi/605919256
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcfawzi
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