[p2p-research] controversy: GM foods and organic agriculture

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu May 21 21:56:27 CEST 2009

Pamela Ronald <
> wrote:

> To meet the appetites of the world's population

What a dangerous load of cruft.

If higher production were the goal we could
simply discontinue the insane practice of
paying farmers to *not* grow.

But our corporate operated governments will
never stop paying for scarcity as long as profit
is being treated as a reward for the current owners
instead of being treated as an investment from the
consumer who paid it.

Profit *only* occurs during scarcity and is most
meaningfully interpreted as a payer's plea for growth.

Profit proves there is an imbalance in the ownership
of the Means of Production, yet tapers toward zero as
the payer approaches sufficient ownership in the
Means required to provide him with his own needs
and wants, for then production can safely occur "at-cost".

Moving toward 'perfect' distribution of ownership
would be easily attained and even self-correcting if
price above cost were invested for the one who paid,
and then eventually *vested* back to that same actor.

But this fact will continue to be resisted for many more decades
because our brains have been washed into believing product
is not nearly as important as keeping price above cost.

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