[p2p-research] leaving this list, was: Theodore Adorno's work (open thread)

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Wed May 20 11:28:34 CEST 2009

Attempt to promote superficial, judgmental, arbitrary rules always get the
same response from me, Marco: NO.

If one person rejecting to accept your rules is a cause for you to leave the
whole list then that is a choice YOU are responsible for, not the list.


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Marco Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net>wrote:

> Marc Fawzi's immediate and only reply (with Michel in CC) to my
> private request below was:
> > Marco, you'll never learn
> the **number** of messages coming from this list was **never** a
> problem for me. I and others tried to explain several times why
> **other** posting habits are a problem which can severely limit list
> participation. 100 messages a day isn't a problem, 99% of the total
> content being repetition and other noise is an entirely different
> issue
> Due to his exquisite manners, and to the fact that this isn't the
> first time he makes such use of them, Marc Fawzi already is on my
> killfile. To everybody else, starting from Michel, I confirm that I
> sincerely consider all of you to be great guys doing important work,
> that I remain deeply interested in P2P alternatives issues, that I
> hope to work with you in the future and that I'll surely continue all
> the offlist discussions and work going on now with you.
> Similarly, I will continue to follow the Rss feeds, the blog, wiki,
> etc... and contribute when possible.
> However, I will unsubscribe from this list immediately after sending
> this message, since I pay for my email bandwidth and there is no point
> to waste it receiving a list working like this.
> Ciao,
>        Marco Fioretti
> ####################################################################
> Here is the request I privately sent to Marc Fawzi:
> On Wed, May 20, 2009 01:26:05 AM -0700, marc fawzi wrote:
> > This one is quite painful...
> It surely will, if you keep reposting every time all the previous excerpts.
> There have been plenty of discussions on the p2p-research list about
> how impolite it is to never trim anything, there were other
> subscribers (the last yesterday!) complaining about the volume and the
> fact that even with digests, they get more messages every day just
> because the size of reposted text triggers digest sending...
> ...and now you start posting all in a row:
> excerpt 1
> excerpt 1 + excerpt 2
> excerpt 1 + excerpt 2 + excerpt 3
> excerpt 1 + excerpt 2 + excerpt 3 + ....
> I don't feel like making another public thread of this, so please just
> tell me one thing: will you please show some respect for standard
> netiquette and people who pay for their bandwidth or not, that is,
> will you please stop from now on to repost tons of text everybody else
> has already downloaded, just because you can't be bothered to cancel
> some text?
> If you will, thanks!
> If you won't please just let me know soon so I'll unsubscribe.
> Marco
> --
> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
> software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84
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Marc Fawzi
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