[p2p-research] leaving this list, was: Theodore Adorno's work (open thread)

Marco Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed May 20 11:20:36 CEST 2009

Marc Fawzi's immediate and only reply (with Michel in CC) to my
private request below was:

> Marco, you'll never learn

the **number** of messages coming from this list was **never** a
problem for me. I and others tried to explain several times why
**other** posting habits are a problem which can severely limit list
participation. 100 messages a day isn't a problem, 99% of the total
content being repetition and other noise is an entirely different

Due to his exquisite manners, and to the fact that this isn't the
first time he makes such use of them, Marc Fawzi already is on my
killfile. To everybody else, starting from Michel, I confirm that I
sincerely consider all of you to be great guys doing important work,
that I remain deeply interested in P2P alternatives issues, that I
hope to work with you in the future and that I'll surely continue all
the offlist discussions and work going on now with you.

Similarly, I will continue to follow the Rss feeds, the blog, wiki,
etc... and contribute when possible.

However, I will unsubscribe from this list immediately after sending
this message, since I pay for my email bandwidth and there is no point
to waste it receiving a list working like this. 

	Marco Fioretti

Here is the request I privately sent to Marc Fawzi:

On Wed, May 20, 2009 01:26:05 AM -0700, marc fawzi wrote:
> This one is quite painful...

It surely will, if you keep reposting every time all the previous excerpts.

There have been plenty of discussions on the p2p-research list about
how impolite it is to never trim anything, there were other
subscribers (the last yesterday!) complaining about the volume and the
fact that even with digests, they get more messages every day just
because the size of reposted text triggers digest sending...

...and now you start posting all in a row:

excerpt 1
excerpt 1 + excerpt 2
excerpt 1 + excerpt 2 + excerpt 3
excerpt 1 + excerpt 2 + excerpt 3 + ....

I don't feel like making another public thread of this, so please just
tell me one thing: will you please show some respect for standard
netiquette and people who pay for their bandwidth or not, that is,
will you please stop from now on to repost tons of text everybody else
has already downloaded, just because you can't be bothered to cancel
some text?

If you will, thanks!
If you won't please just let me know soon so I'll unsubscribe.


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