[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please

Stefan Merten smerten at oekonux.de
Tue May 19 21:24:04 CEST 2009

Hi Patrick and all!

Thanks for putting it this way.

Yesterday Patrick Anderson wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:19 AM, Stefan Merten <smerten at oekonux.de> wrote:
>> If you give money to the bank then you do **NOT** keep it. This very
>> sentence you wrote just makes no sense. It's nonsense again.
> This semantic knot is part of what helps hide the injustices in our
> current money systems.

BTW: I never said that there aren't injustices in contemporary
exchange systems. Of course there are (though today I leave this topic
to other people since I'm too busy with concepts for the next society
being based on peer production).

I for one prefer peer production with external openness because this
makes the concept of justice uninteresting. Justice is needed to
maintain / distribute scarcity or limitations.

> It is common language in my part of the world to say "You should keep
> your money in the bank, for then you will 'earn' interest".

True. But that is exactly the point why I need Oekonux and not some
pub talk. Common language hides many interesting things. It is fine
for day-to-day operation but it is not useful for an in-depth inquiry
which is what is actually needed to understand all these phenomenons.

To be radical, to get at the roots of things you need to be exact,
however. Or at least try to be as exact as possible. At the very least
you should try to define the words you are using.

I agree it is a struggle to get there. But IMHO it's worthwhile the
effort and should be done in an open-minded - which means: to be ready
to learn new things - fashion.



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