[p2p-research] p2presearch Digest, Vol 19, Issue 157

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Tue May 19 13:56:06 CEST 2009

p2presearch at listcultures.org schreibt:
>If you have specific themes, why not initiate a specific discussion in our
>Ning Forum, one separate item for each topic, and address them temporarily
>at first, i.e. initiate a particular discussion at a particular time, then
>move on ...
>But I repeat, really from 5 years experience now, if nobody is willing to
>the effort, it won't happen,

I strongly support this idea; you can subscribe and unsubscribe tto a
topic in NING, and you can always give short accounts with links here..

The best thing is to activate our NING groups. Actuially I was surprised
that there are only 3 groups there and one of them was created on a
subject that I proposed. What a surprise!

So we have

http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/group/p2pawards  (waiting for maintainer)

http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/group/oekonux  (kind of temporary, should be


I agree that it is good to have constant reporting on the development of
topics in one place, could be here.

This is also the place where new topics could be born and discussed before
moving to their respective group....


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