[p2p-research] p2presearch Digest, Vol 19, Issue 153

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Tue May 19 10:55:28 CEST 2009

I did not mean 'you' but the 'hypothetical you', i.e. everyone or most
people. We all have limits! even the insane among us have limits (which
they've probably surpassed and, hence, the insanity)

But I do think that efficiency (of a given decision making process, e.g. in
economics) can be synonymous sometimes with scarcity of alternatives...
since the number of solutions in the search space or the breadth of the
search space is inversely proportional to efficiency of finding the
right/optimal solution (for the given constraints)

So I do think that efficiency and scarcity overlap in our thinking and as we
seek efficiency we are also seeking scarcity in the number of possible

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:47 AM, Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at> wrote:

> marc fawzi  writes:
> (quoting me)
> ><<
> >This is the curse of mailing lists, when many people are contributing
> >continuously, it is seen as generating too much volume and that puts other
> >people off ...
> >>>
> >
> >yet another piece of evidence that some people do actually seek scarcity
> >and
> >not because of anything wrong with them but because attention itself is a
> >scarce resource
> >
> >what i mean is, we are constrained by scarce internal resources (e.g.
> >attention, patience, processing power, energy, etc) so no wonder we built
> >the kind of money that enforces scarcity,
> Marc.
> Actually I do not seek scarcity, but efficiency. There is nothing wrong
> with abundance, even not in discussion groups; but I would appreciate the
> work of condensation and referencing, because I have about 50 mailing
> lists to consider day by day.
> Actually I do not think that money can contribute to the solution of this
> promlem ;-)
> Franz
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Marc Fawzi
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