[p2p-research] p2presearch Digest, Vol 19, Issue 153

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Tue May 19 10:47:17 CEST 2009

marc fawzi  writes:

(quoting me)

>This is the curse of mailing lists, when many people are contributing
>continuously, it is seen as generating too much volume and that puts other
>people off ...
>yet another piece of evidence that some people do actually seek scarcity
>not because of anything wrong with them but because attention itself is a
>scarce resource
>what i mean is, we are constrained by scarce internal resources (e.g.
>attention, patience, processing power, energy, etc) so no wonder we built
>the kind of money that enforces scarcity,


Actually I do not seek scarcity, but efficiency. There is nothing wrong
with abundance, even not in discussion groups; but I would appreciate the
work of condensation and referencing, because I have about 50 mailing
lists to consider day by day.

Actually I do not think that money can contribute to the solution of this
promlem ;-)


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