[p2p-research] POCLAD and corporation reform

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Tue May 19 09:51:31 CEST 2009

On Tue, May 19, 2009 14:25:44 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> Sounds like a very sensible approach to me, that of POCLAD, I do
> hope it makes headway, and if we can help here at the p2pfoundation,
> by spreading these proposals, let me/us know ...
> perhaps someone could write about it?


I'm glad you find it sensible. When I first found www.POCLAD.org and
"decoded" them as I've explained in my previous messages, I was
fascinated because those proposals:

- seem very simple to explain to the masses, much simpler than other

- (let's dream only for a moment that it would easy to have them
  approved, ie become actual laws) they seem to require little extra
  effort, in the sense that with such laws in place, many other
  problems we talk about would, if not disappear, may become much
  easier to keep under control **within** the current system, ie
  without need to reform everything at once.

Think to the combination of laws like POCLAD's and saying that, OK,
you can buy as many stocks you want and make as much profit from
reselling them as you want... but if you buy stocks you can't resell
them before than 2 years, that is you invest in a company only if you
want to make money by risking your *own* money in supporting the
activity of that company. How much of the financial mess, corporate
abuse etc... that we've had for years would have still beeen possible
in such a scenario?

Back to your request: I've wanted to make a serious study about POCLAD
theses for years, but I really don't know when I'll have the time and
there are surely people more competent than me to start such a
study. If I'll write something about it I'll surely let you know, but
my aim now was more to check if somebody *else* already had material
and comments. In the meantime, if anybody else can step in, please do

Of course, if it turns out that I completely misunderstood what POCLAD
says, that is that the ideas you and Andreas found interesting first
popped up out of my own head, I'll immediately patent them and demand
a billion billions dollars royalties per year forever! :-)

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