[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Mon May 18 19:43:48 CEST 2009

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:19 AM, Stefan Merten <smerten at oekonux.de> wrote:
> If you give money to the bank then you do **NOT** keep it. This very
> sentence you wrote just makes no sense. It's nonsense again.

This semantic knot is part of what helps hide the injustices in our
current money systems.

It is common language in my part of the world to say "You should keep
your money in the bank, for then you will 'earn' interest".

Notice the use of the word 'keep'.  People really believe they are
*keeping* their money in this way.

If pressed about it, they will say "well, they may not have actual
money I gave them sitting in the vault, but I can always get an equal
amount out at any time".

But, as Stefan says, even that is not guaranteed.

And there is certain to be a problem if too many people at once
attempted to reclaim what they think they are *keeping* there.
Because of partial-reserve banking, most of the money we envision as
being in some big vault doesn't exist at all except as - now listen
closely - as DEBT!

Few people would believe you if you told them the money they think is
their property was invoked (issued) as a result of somebody else
entering into a debt.

There is more to this maze, but I'll stop for now.

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