[p2p-research] Algorithmic sustainable design

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon May 18 17:13:40 CEST 2009

On Mon, May 11, 2009 06:39:40 AM -0500, Nikos Salingaros wrote:
> Grazie Marco, thank you Marc for your kind words.
> Of course I'm willing to make the lectures available in other
> formats -- how can I do that?


I'm not really a video specialist. Apart from that, without knowing
details about your software skills, available software and hardware,
format of the current footage etc... it's difficult to give advice
which is directly useful.

I think that the best thing to do is if you contact your local Linux
User Group (www.satlug.org, possibly outdated contact address
officers at satlug.org) and ask directly to them "I have a bunch of video
or audio footage which I want to make usable to all Gnu/Linux users:
which format is the best one, and how do I generate it?"

With any luck, somebody of the LUG may drop in at your office and give
you on site assistance.

Please note that, besides making Linux users happy, there is an even
more important reason to do this: to make surem, in your own interest,
that all the material remains fully usable by **you**, even if
software and hardware change over the years. To know more about the
"dgital dark age" dangers and huge wastes of money caused by
proprietary file formats, you're welcome to browse this seminar:


(working in architecture you will probably find relevant the Autocad

Last but not least: the slides themselves are already usable under
Linux. However, if you have the time, converting them to text instead
of graphic files would make them much more easily indexable by search
engines, ie more findable by more people.

Hope this helps,
     Marco Fioretti
Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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