[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please

Stefan Merten smerten at oekonux.de
Tue May 12 20:56:57 CEST 2009

Hi Michel!

Please stop the mud campaign against me. IMHO you really don't need

I still value you and your work and I say this all the time and in
public. I do not share all of your views but that is ok with me. If
sharing all your views is a precondition for you then I'd be glad if
you can state this clearly because then there is really no common
ground. However, in the past I experienced it differently.

Today Michel Bauwens wrote:
> The gist of it seems to be that anyone who is not an adherent to a black bag
> theory of capitalism (it's a undivided whole you can only abolish as a
> whole) is in fact unwittingly racial.

Well, the discussion starting at


was absolutely not about this. I'm sorry to recognize that seemingly
everything I say in this regard really doesn't reach you.

> But you have to ask the question, what is the purpose of the incessant
> taunts if not to demean and dehumanize intellectual dissidents.

There was no demeaning. For everyone interested in the reasons why
money trickery should no longer take place on [ox-en] please see posts


In fact on this list here there is a fertile ground for this stuff and
the world looses absolutely nothing if Oekonux focuses solely on peer
production - which is only a small part of what P2P in the sense of
Michel covers. In the contrary I'd such a separation on topics is good
and healthy because then everyone can choose the options matching
their personal interest best.

Everybody who is interested in a focused, thoughtful and open
discussion on peer production with a scientific approach is
wholeheartedly welcome on [ox-en]. See


for subscription hints.

> You also have to know that Stefan attempted to export his diktat to the book
> project, hence my difficulty in continuing the cooperation.

I resent that you post details from private conversation here - and
then in such a distorted form. IMHO you really don't need this.

In fact I said that I would have problems with being responsible for
certain content and asked whether this can be omitted because of this.
If not then I can not be responsible and that is perfectly ok with me.

> I actually don't want to blow all bridges, but I think I do I'm right  to
> expect a stopping of the taunts and an abandonment of any efforts to stifle
> free debate,

This has nothing to do with free debate and you know this very well.

In fact I think P2P Foundation and Oekonux has far more in common than
what divides us. I understand that you are really upset now. I'm sorry
for this but there is probably not much I can do about it.

However, I think there will be times when cooperation will be easier
again and I look forward to these times.

In any case I would like to ask you to stop telling lies about me.



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