[p2p-research] "Many of us will not send mail to gmail.com"

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Sun May 10 11:34:43 CEST 2009

> > If you know such existing reliable "package", and if I can easily
> > download all my emails from my gmail account to such solution, I
> > will do it today.
> you mean you never asked yourself before if and how you could take
> your OWN messages, contacts list etc... away from your current
> email/storage provider to a better one when it appears???


Good you ask.

What I mean is that I would be very happy to use a solution which enables me
to access all my emails online through a webbrowser, independently from the
computer I access it from, have unlimited distributed storage space, and
uses free and open source softwares ( gpl 3.0 ? ) which I/anyone can use to
reproduce and modify such solutions on any network for no monetary cost.

In exchange, I would be willing to share processing power and other
resources ( some shared storage space ) of the computer I m using when its
idle and/or of from whatever computer I am accessing it during the time I am
accessing such distributed service. ( in a similar way as Bit Torrent
solutions ? )

For the moment, I mostly know about free open source solutions that enable
me to host email on any server I choose, and I use such solution too.

Otherwise, to reply more directly to your last question,
My contact list and a all my email from all the email accounts I have used
up to today are backed up on a hard disk ( external hard disk, cd backups,
etc ) since I started using email ( in 1996 ? )

> Marco
> --
> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
> software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84
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