[p2p-research] P2P Email

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sat May 9 14:04:47 CEST 2009

It's frustrating because I ASSUME that all of this is very intuitive
and obvious when this interaction is telling me that for some it is
not obvious nor intuitive for people who are not software developers.

Sitting down and writing a structured and detailed article about it is
too costly time and energy wise.

The idea is that someone with similar intuition (e.g. software
engineer with experience in network and software architecture) would
find the idea exciting and they'd undertake detailed design of such a
system, which does not involve anything new or untested, just
established patterns.... that is whenever Ipv6 gets adopted because it
is much more challenging and costly with IPv4 and very hard ot
practically impossible to achieve for mobile phones (because of the
proxies carriers use which only allow HTTP)

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 4:51 AM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:
> On Sat, May 09, 2009 01:51:04 AM -0700, marc fawzi wrote:
>> That is why it was misunderstood by Marco that I'm suggesting static
>> IP addresses be used for routing rather than p2p user IDs which
>> would be picked up right away by any person whose background is in
>> network and software architecture.
> You didn't mention IDs at all. You wrote:
> (http://listcultures.org/pipermail/p2presearch_listcultures.org/2009-May/002603.html)
>> When IPv6 is finally here all PCs and devices connected to the net
>> will be able to reach each other DIRECTLY, in point to point
>> fashion... So when IPv6 is finally here... we will be able to run
>> universal p2p email clients (or p2p clients with email capability)
> which can make one think that IPv6 is all is missing to make current
> email P2P. Had you made clear from the start that what you have in
> mind is something that only keeps the _name_ of email, but is
> completely different and redesigned in everything but name and (maybe)
> user interface, this whole thread would have gone differently.
> I'm not going to comment your complete proposal, not now at
> least. This is simply because, being much more different from the
> current situation than its name suggests, it takes time to form an
> opinion. But why not publish it somewhere online to gather more
> feedback?
> Marco Fioretti
> --
> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
> software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84
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Marc Fawzi
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