[p2p-research] CFP: "information and the spiritual

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri May 8 14:41:57 CEST 2009

Lainaus Jarkko Kari <Jarkko.Kari at uta.fi>:

Dear colleague,

I am a member of the Editorial Board for the Open Information Science
Journal (http://bentham.org/open/toiscij/index.htm) published by Bentham
Science Publishers. The journal is a relatively new electronic and
peer-reviewed journal which publishes open access articles, thus having a
huge potential readership.

I'm contacting you now, because I'm organizing a special issue of the
journal devoted to the research area of "information and the spiritual".
Such a collection of articles has never been published before, so this is a
great opportunity to display your research in a historic issue! The theme is
to be understood broadly. Thus, "information" may refer to any kinds of
messages, representations, knowledge, documents, processes of informing or
being informed (e.g. seeking, sharing, using information), information
technology, information sources, information systems, information skills,
etc.; and "the spiritual" may be understood as also referring to the
religious, paranormal, supernatural, extrasensory, occult, mystical, etc.
Please see http://www.uta.fi/~csjakar/bibliography.html for an example list
of topics which have been studied in this field previously. The theme of the
special issue is therefore quite inclusive - at least at this stage: any
scholarly paper examining the two subjects (information and the spiritual)
together (whatever their relationship may be) will be considered. Once the
actual articles are emerging, we may find a more specific theme for the

So, I'm kindly inviting you to submit an article manuscript to be published
in the mentioned special issue of the Open Information Science Journal.
Three types of articles are possible: research articles, mini-review
articles, and review articles. The article may be empirical, theoretical,
methodological or philosophical, and submissions are welcome from any
discipline. The journal's instructions for authors can be found at
http://bentham.org/open/toiscij/MSandI.htm. When you submit your manuscript,
however, you should send it as an e-mail attachment to me, since I'll be the
guest editor for the issue. My e-mail address and other contact information
is at the end of this message. Here is the timetable for creating the
special issue:

- by 9 October 2009: authors to submit manuscripts
- by 9 January 2010: authors to receive referee statements
- by 9 April 2010: authors to submit final versions
- by 9 July 2010: articles to be published

The journal collects a publication fee for each article, but since our
contribution will be a special issue, we'll get a discount (see
"Supplements" and "Publication fees" at the above address). I hope you or
your institution will be able to cover this expense. For the benefit of
those who don't have this option, I'll apply for a grant from a few funders
to cover the journal's publication fees. If we were really fast (i.e. submit
the final drafts by December 2009), the articles would be published free of

I'm also looking for a volunteer co-editor to share the work of editing the
manuscripts and handling the peer-review process.

Right now, I'm collecting tentative 'registrations' from you. Please reply
to this message by answering to the following questions by the end of this
month (April 2009):

1. Do you think you can contribute an article under the conditions laid out
2. What would be the tentative title or topic of your article?
3. What would be the type of your contribution: research article,
mini-review article, or review article?
4. Should I include your publication fee in the funding application? (Please
only answer "yes", if you cannot get the funds from anywhere else. )
5. Would you like to serve as a co-editor with me?

All private correspondence related to the special journal issue should
happen through me (see contact information below). I'll be happy to answer
any questions or comments. I suggest that joint discussions or announcements
concerning our journal issue is done at
is the forum of the Research Network on Information, Communication and
Spirituality (ICS-Net for short). If you haven't signed up for the forum yet
but intend to participate in the journal project as an author, I recommend
you sign up. This will make our group communication much easier.

Sincerely yours,
Jarkko Kari

PS. Feel free to forward this invitation to other colleagues who might be

Jarkko Kari (Dr.Soc.Sc., Adjunct Professor, Assistant)
Department of Information Studies and Interactive Media
33014 University of Tampere

Tel.        +358 3 3551 8969
Fax        +358 3 3551 6560
E-mail        jarkko.kari at uta.fi
WWW        http://www.uta.fi/~csjakar/

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