[p2p-research] life as a game

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Thu May 7 11:25:26 CEST 2009

As a games designer, I can put a few comments in here!  First is that 
games are approximate simulations of reality with a crucial difference; 
the rules of a game are set, in reality they are fuzzy.  If we designed 
a game where the rules changed, the player could never learn strategies 
that allowed them to progress and as such they would loose interest.  In 
life, rules changes, logic is fuzzy so the models of strategy we build 
to deal with the world need to be fluid too.

There is a funny article mixing reality and games, 'A Letter from a 
Dungeon' worth reading!

I had toyed with writing a series of articles about a fictional games 
designer trying to design a game about life and failing...

p2presearch-request at listcultures.org wrote:
>> I started working on this 3 years ago:
>> Life as a game
>> Work as a game
>> Relationship as a game
>> Learning as a game
>> Politics as a game
>> Cooperation and cometition as a game
>> In other words, by viewing every realm as a game we have pervasive
>> gaming as a way to motivate us through keeping score to achieve higher
>> performance.
>> I stopped working on that because I saw the ridiculousness of it. But
>> it can be extremely successful, just as Facebook is proving that
>> friendship as a game works. Except they are smart by not using a
>> numerical scoring system but a subjective one where people get to
>> judge performance not computers.


Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
web: www.fluffylogic.net
tel: 0117 9442233 
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