[p2p-research] European Parliament rejects internet cutoff yet again

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 20:52:18 CEST 2009


EU Parliament rejects law allowing Internet cutoff

By CONSTANT BRAND – 54 minutes ago

STRASBOURG, France (AP) — Worried about trampling on the rights of innocent
consumers, the European Parliament rejected Wednesday attempts by EU
governments to crack down on people who illegally download
copyright-protected music and movies over the Internet.

The EU assembly voted 407 to 57 to reject a compromise reached with EU
governments a few weeks ago. It would have allowed France to continue its
push to cut off Internet access to those caught downloading illegal copies
of songs and movies.

Viviane Reding, the EU's telecoms commissioner appeared to back the
rejection, saying the parliament's move was "an important restatement of the
fundamental rights of EU citizens."

"For many, it is of very high symbolic and political value," she said.

Reding called on EU governments to assess their next move "very carefully."

The Parliament vote blocks the approval of a wide-ranging legal package
overhauling telecommunications in the 27-nation bloc. It includes efforts to
bolster privacy and consumer rights and spur more competition for Internet
and phone services across the EU.

Wednesday's move will force new negotiations with EU governments, officials

The rejection was seen as a protest vote by the lawmakers as they head into
a four-week European election campaign.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is pushing a "three strikes and you're out"
bill that tracks Internet use and warns users caught downloading illegal
copies twice before it cuts off their Internet access for a year.

The French parliament rejected the measure in early April in a surprise
defeat for the government, but lawmakers there are now discussing it again
as entertainment companies look for better enforcement of copyright rules to
combat online file-sharing.

German Social Democrat parliamentarian Erika Mann said the Parliament had
"clearly spoken out against Sarkozy's Internet blocking policy."

Consumer groups also welcomed the move.

Monique Goyens, head of the European Consumers' Organization BEUC, said
giving governments a free hand to cut off Internet access to protect
intellectual-property rights would be "unacceptable."

"This clearly would have been a disproportionate and unfair penalty and we
now call on the next Parliament to explicitly prohibit such a draconian

While lawmakers held up one part of the package, they did back 12 other
important measures meant to overhaul the telecoms market in Europe.

Among other things, the package would set up a new EU-wide telecoms
authority tasked with ensuring fair competition, bolster consumers' ability
to switch mobile or landline operators and expand high-speed Internet
access, notably in rural areas.

*AP Business Writer Aoife White contributed to this report from Brussels.*
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