[p2p-research] Fwd: Invitation from Albert, Bello, Chomsky, Ehrenreich, Fletcher, Galeano, Klein, Pilger, Shiva, Wainwright, et. al.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 05:52:07 CEST 2009

Let me know,

by giving me your name followed by email, if you want to be invited for


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: michael albert <sysop at zmag.org>
Date: 2009/5/5
Subject: Invitation from Albert, Bello, Chomsky, Ehrenreich, Fletcher,
Galeano, Klein, Pilger, Shiva, Wainwright, et. al.
To: Amy Goodman <amyg at pacifica.org>, Felipe Perez <fperez at ven.org>, David
Laibman <dlaibman at scienceandsociety.com>, Len Krimmerman <
lenmvgeo at mindspring.com>, Brian Tokar <briant at earth.goddard.edu>, Peter
Boyle <peterb at dsp.org.au>, Francis Fox Piven <fpiven at hotmail.com>, Mazibuko
Jara <mazibuko at amandlapublishers.com>, Josh Cohen <jcohen at mit.edu>, Cindy
Millstein <cbmilstein at yahoo.com>, Leslie Cagan <lesliecagan at igc.org>, Mark
Evans <markevans13 at hotmail.co.uk>, Fred Ho <bigredmedia at hotmail.com>, Howie
Hawkins <hhawkins at igc.org>, Aram Yayincilik <aramyayincilik at yahoo.com>, Al
Campbell <al.campbell at utah.edu>, Modesto Ruiz <modesto833 at yahoo.es>, Marcus
Hill <marcusalexanderhill at gmail.com>, Joshua Kahn Russell <
joshuakahnrussell at gmail.com>, John Pilger <jpmarheine at hotmail.com>, Fikret
Adaman <adaman at boun.edu.tr>, Michael Albert <sysop at zmag.org>, Saul Landau <
saul.landau at yahoo.com>, Devinder Sharma <hunger55 at gmail.com>, Peter Bohmer <
peterbohmer at yahoo.com>, Gregory Wilpert <gregwilpert at gmail.com>, Nikos
Raptis <nikrap at eexi.gr>, Walden Bello <w.bello at focusweb.org>, valery alzaga
<valery.alzaga at seiu.org>, Hector Baez Mondragon <hhmondragon at hotmail.com>,
Brian Kelly <brian at walkingbutterfly.com>, Daniel Chavez <chavez at tni.org>,
Michael Hardt <hardt at duke.edu>, Danny Schecter <danny at mediachannel.org>,
Evan Plath <evan at protest.net>, silvia federici <Dinavalli at aol.com>, Kevin
Traman <kevin.traman at verizon.net>, Sean Gonsalves <
sgonsalves at capecodonline.com>, Jaggi Singh <jbsingh at unixg.ubc.ca>, Paul
Street <paulstreet99 at yahoo.com>, Medha Patkar <medhapatkar at indiatimes.com>,
Jessica Azulay <jessica at peoplesnetworks.net>, Raphael Hernandez <
direcciontemas at icaic.cu>, David1 Cromwell <David.Cromwell at soc.soton.ac.uk>,
David Kotz <dmkotz at econs.umass.edu>, Doug Dowd <aplusd at tdl.com>, David
Graeber <david.graeber at yale.edu>, Bob Mcchesney <rwmcches at facstaff.wisc.edu>,
Chico Whitaker <intercom at cidadania.org.br>, Manual Rozental <
em_rozental at yahoo.com>, Andre Vltchek <andre-wcn at usa.net>, Alfred Sola <
asola67 at hotmail.com>, Wilhelmina Trout <wilhelmina at marchemondiale.org>,
Marta Harnecker <mharnecker at gmail.com>, Vittorio Agnoletto <
vagnoletto at lilacedius.it>, Norman Soloman <mediabeat at igc.apc.org>, Paul
Brodie <pbro0322 at bigpond.net.au>, Elizabeth Martinez <Betita1 at aol.com>,
Adele Oliveri <melippa at melippa.com>, Carlos Lanz <carloslanz at gmail.com>,
michael albertz <michaelalbertz at gmail.com>, Mario Bunge <
marioaugustobunge at hotmail.com>, America Vera Zavala <
america at vansterpartiet.se>, Lynne Segal <l.segal at bbk.ac.uk>, Boris
Kagarlitsky <goboka at online.ru>, Ted Glick <indpol at igc.org>, Robert Pollin <
pollin at econs.umass.edu>, Teivo Teivainen <teivo at nigd.org>, Fawwaz Trabulsi <
ftrablsi at lau.edu.lb>, Robin Kelley <rkelley at fas.harvard.edu>, Robert Jensen
<rjensen at uts.cc.utexas.edu>, Todd Jailer <heperianfdn at igc.apc.org>, "T.M.
Thomas Isaac" <minister-finance at kerala.gov.in>, Kim Scipes <SRS at wmblair.com>,
Toni Christini <tcchristini at yahoo.com>, Jenna Gretsch <jenlaad at sfsu.edu>,
Joanne Landy <joanne.landy at igc.org>, Marcos Arruda <marruda at pacs.org.br>,
Ranier Rilling <rillingr at mailer.uni-marburg.de>, Noam Chomsky <
chomsky2 at mit.edu>, Katha Pollitt <kpollitt at thenation.com>, Roberto Savio <
kosi at ips.org>, Joyce Rothschild <joycer at vt.edu>, Barbara Ehrenreich <
barbeh at aol.com>, Ethan Miller <ethanmiller at riseup.net>, Pablo Ortellado <
pablo at riseup.net>, Nancy Holmstrom <NHolmstrom at aol.com>, Ann Ferguson <
ferguson at philos.umass.edu>, Kolja Möller <kolja.moeller at gmx.de>, Celia Hart
Santamaria <chart at cubarte.cult.cu>, Nancy Folbre <folbre at econs.umass.edu>,
Joanne Landy <jlandy at igc.org>, George Caffentz <gcaffentz at aol.com>, Scott
McLemee <mclemee at igc.apc.org>, Ilan Pappe <I.Pappe at exeter.ac.uk>, Tim Wise <
tjwise at bellsouth.net>, Aziz Choudry <notoapec at clear.net.nz>, Kendra Fehrer <
kendra_fehrer at brown.edu>, Christian Parenti <christian_Parenti at yahoo.com>,
Katerina Huevel <kat at thenation.com>, Tom Wetzel <tomwetzel at sbcglobal.net>,
Jonah Gindin <jonah at venezuelanalysis.com>, Matt Rothschild <
mattr at progressive.org>, David Peterson <davidpet at mcs.net>, David Harvey <
dharvey at gc.cuny.edu>, Tariq Ali <tariq.ali3 at btinternet.com>, Michael Ratner
<mratner at igc.org>, pat korte <patkorte at gmail.com>, Howard Botwinick <
botwinick at cortland.edu>, Houssam Hamade <heyhoussam at googlemail.com>, Anders
Sandstrom <anders.sandstrom2 at spray.se>, Alison brisbane <
alisons at powerup.com.au>, Judy Rebick <judy.rebick at sympatico.ca>, Bridget
Anderson <bridget.anderson at anthropology.oxford.ac.uk>, Michael McGehee <
michael.mcgehee at americredit.com>, Mitchell Szczepanczyk <mitchell at szcz.org>,
Mark Rudd <mark at markrudd.com>, Stephen Zunes <zunes at usfca.edu>, EDUARDO
GALEANO <hugal at adinet.com.uy>, Gar Lipow <garlpublic at comcast.net>, Samir
Amin <samir.amin at wanadoo.fr>, Hester Eisenstein <hester_eisenstein at qc.edu>,
Brian Dominick <brian at peoplesnetworks.net>, Omar Sierra <
omarsierra.ven at gmail.com>, Thomas Ponniah <TPonniah at hotmail.com>, Patrick
Bond <pbond at mail.ngo.za>, Tyrone Adams <tyrone.adams at alice-dsl.net>, David
Schweickart <srs at wmblair.com>, Nuri Ersoy <nuriersoy at gmail.com>, john cronin
<jcronan.iww at gmail.com>, Don Fitz <Fitzdon at aol.com>, Jens Nielsen <
jensbn at mail1.stofanet.dk>, Ben Bagdikian <benmar at rosebud.berkeley.edu>,
Richard Franke <franker at mail.montclair.edu>, Immanuel Wallerstein <
immanuel.wallerstein at yale.edu>, George Gabriel <glgabriel87 at googlemail.com>,
Peter Marcuse <pm35 at columbia.edu>, Thomas Nairn <tom.nairn at rmit.edu.au>,
Paul Singer <paulsinger at uol.com.br>, Dave Shukla <dave.shukla at gmail.com>,
Uruj Sheikh <uruj.sheikh at gmail.com>, Pat Devine <Msraspd at fs1.ec.man.ac.uk>,
Bernard Cassen <Bernard.Cassen at monde-diplomatique.fr>, Ellen Wood <
ellenwood at btinternet.com>, Corinna Genschel <cgenschel at gmx.de>, Maximilien
Arvelaiz <maxarvelaiz at gmail.com>, David Cromwell <ddc at noc.soton.ac.uk>,
"Thomas. Ponniah" <Thomas.Ponniah at gmail.com>, "Vijay. Prashad" <
vijay.prashad at mail.cc.trincoll.edu>, Sean Healy <seanhealy at greenleft.org.au>,
Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Michael Bronski <mabronski at aol.com>,
Diana Johnstone <107764.116 at compuserve.com>, Elaine Bernard <
HTUP at harvarda.harvard.edu>, Justin George <justin_l_george at hotmail.com>,
Justin Podur <justin at killingtrain.com>, Alex Foti <alex.foti at gmail.com>,
Mandisi Majavu <majavums at gmail.com>, Terry Eagleton <
lindsey.walker at lancaster.ac.uk>, Massimo de Angelis <m.deangelis at uel.ac.uk>,
Avi Chomsky <avi.chomsky at salemstate.edu>, Howard Sherman <
sherman at polisci.ucla.edu>, leo panitch <lpanitch at yorku.ca>, Joao Pedro
Stedile <astedile at uol.com.br>, Phyllis Bennis <PBENNIS at compuserve.com>,
Pasqualino Colombaro <pcolombaro at gmail.com>, Robin Hahnel <hahnel at pdx.edu>,
Dan La Botz <DanLaBotz at cs.com>, Michael Moore <mmflint at aol.com>, Greg
Ruggiero <gregruggiero at earthlink.net>, Ronnie Almonte <
ronniealmonte at gmail.com>, Katharine Wallerstein <kwallerstein at gmail.com>,
Peter Staudenmaier <pstauden at hotmail.com>, Barbara Epstein <
bepstein at nature.berkeley.edu>, Michael Parenti <mp at michaelparenti.org>,
Carola Reintjes <creintjes at ideas.coop>, Tayssir John Gabbour <
tjg at pentaside.org>, Antonio Martins <antonio at planetaportoalegre.net>,
Fernando Ramn Vegas Torrealba <saturno7 at cantv.net>, Rania Masri <
rania at nc.rr.com>, Madeline Gardner <madeline at riseup.net>, Allan Sokal <
sokal at cibs.sns.it>, Peter Hall-Jones <phj at newunionism.net>, Pervez Hoodbhoy
<hoodbhoy at lns.mit.edu>, Dimitri Konstantinou <d.konstantinou at otenet.gr>,
Cynthia Peters <cyn.peters at gmail.com>, Joel Rocamora <joelroc at popdem.org>,
Leila Mouammar <leila at web.net>, stanley aronowitz <saronowitz at igc.org>,
Fernando Ramn Gapasin <fgapasin at earthlink.net>, Jeremy Brecher <
jeremy.brecher at gmail.com>, Elena Harrada <elenamherrada at gmail.com>, Boris
Kagarlitsky <gbk at glasnet.ru>, marla renn <marlarenn at gmail.com>, Bill
Fletcher Jr <billfletcherjr at gmail.com>, Sasha Liley <sashalilley at yahoo.com>,
Marita Muukkonen <maritamuukkonen at gmail.com>, Gilbert Achcar <
gilachcar at aol.com>, Kevin Danaher <kevin at globalexchange.org>, Caragh du Toit
<caraghdutoit at yahoo.ca>, Sonali Kolhatkar <skolhatkar at kpfk.org>, Michael
McGhehee <michael.mcgehee7 at gmail.com>, "Sheila. Rowbotham" <
sheila.rowbotham at man.ac.uk>, "Hilary. Wainwright" <hilary1 at manc.org>,
Stephen Shalom <ShalomS at wpunj.edu>, Saskia Sassen <sjs2 at columbia.edu>,
Leithn Mullins <lmullings at gc.cuny.edu>, Brooke Lehman <
brooke at bluestockings.com>, Danny Glover <smiddleton at carrieproductions.com>,
Serge Halimi <Serge.Halimi at monde-diplomatique.fr>, Jonathon Macentosh <
jonnyrebellious at gmail.com>, Raina Badri <badri.raina at gmail.com>, dincer
engineer <demirkentdincer at yahoo.com>, Norman Finkelstein <
normangf at hotmail.com>, Barbara Garson <bagarson at yahoo.com>, Jamala Rogers <
jamala7 at yahoo.com>, Ndaba Mzelemu <ndabamzelemu at yahoo.co.uk>, Juliet Schor <
jschor at fas.harvard.edu>, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com>, Laura Flanders <
lflanders at aol.com>, Mark Weisbrot <weisbrot at cepr.net>, Alexander Cockburn <
alexandercockburn at asis.com>, Robert Brenner <rbrenner at ucla.edu>, Tom
Engelhardt <Tomeditor at aol.com>, Carl Boggs <cboggs at nu.edu>, Kate Griffin <
kbgriffin at gmail.com>, Paul Burrows <kronstadt at a-zone.org>, David Barsamian <
ar at orci.com>, Boaventura de sousa Santos <bsantos at ces.uc.pt>, Betsy Hartmann
<ehSS at hampshire.edu>, Pervis Hoodbouy <hoodbhoy at isb.pol.com.pk>, Bertell
Ollman <obertell at netscape.net>, Sam Gindin <sgindin at yorku.ca>, Matt Halling
<matthalling at yahoo.com>, Jeremy Brecher <jbrecher at igc.org>, Boris
Kagarlitski <goboka at pisem.net>, Nora Castaneda <noraicas at gmail.com>,
Frederick Jameson <jameson at duke.edu>, Brian Holmes <brian.holmes at wanadoo.fr>,
John Holloway <johnholloway at prodigy.net.mx>, Peter Linebaugh <
plineba at yahoo.com>, Arundhati Roy <easywinterlight at gmail.com>, Jai Sen <
jai.sen at cacim.net>, John Jordan <john at labofii.net>, massimo de angelis <
m.deangelis at ntlworld.com>, Nadine Bloch <nbloch at igc.org>, Carol Delgado <
delgadocarol at gmail.com>, Dean Baker <dean.baker1 at verizon.net>, Omar
Barghouti <omar.barghouti at gmail.com>, Lisa Duggan <lisa.duggan at nyu.edu>,
John Hepburn <john.hepburn at au.greenpeace.org>, Howard Zinn <hzinn2 at yahoo.com>,
Daniel Gross <dgross1959 at yahoo.com>, Sohi <sohi at member.jinbo.net>, Ian Boal
<boal at sonic.net>, Robin Blackburn <roblack at essex.ac.uk>, Trevor Ngwane <
trevorngwanesoweto at yahoo.com>, Dennis Brutis <dennisbrutus2002 at yahoo.com>,
Tor Wennerberg <thom at algonet.se>, Sudhanva Deshpande <leftword at vsnl.com>,
Linda Gordon <lg48 at nyu.edu>, Mark Stevens <kitsday at gmail.com>, robin hahnel
2 <robinhahnel at comcast.net>, Alex Callinicos <atc1 at york.ac.uk>, Karin
Aguilar-San Juan <ragingpeony at yahoo.com>, Joel Kovel <jskovel at gmail.com>,
Julia Wrigley <julia.wrigley at gmail.com>, Mahmood Mamdani <m1124 at columbia.edu>,
Gar Alperovitz <galperov at umd.edu>, Carl Ogelsby <Ray9410 at aol.com>, Rebecca
Solnit <rebeccasolnit at znet.com>, Atilio Boron <aaboron at piluso.clacso.edu.ar>,
Adrienne Rich <adric7 at sbcglobal.net>, Nancy Fraser <FraserN at earthlink.net>,
Christine Kelly <KellyC at wpunj.edu>, Ron Daniels <RONMAE at aol.com>, Rosayn
Baxandal <ROSYBAX at aol.com>, Ezequiel Adamovsky <eadamovs at mail.retina.ar>,
Carl Davidson <carld717 at gmail.com>, Susan George <susangeorge at free.fr>,
Stephen Eric Bronner <bronner at rci.rutgers.edu>, Paul Buhle <
Paul_Buhle at brown.edu>, Tyler Tarwater <tylert at gmail.com>, Heinz Dieterich <
hdieterich at gmail.com>, Peter Kwong <pkwong at hunter.cuny.edu>, Andile
Mngxitama <andilem at fhr.org.za>, Corinna Genschel <
Corinna.Genschel at linksfraktion.de>, Marina Sitrin <marina.sitrin at gmail.com>,
Jason Chrysostomou <jasonchrysostomou at gmail.com>, George Monbiot <
g.monbiot at zetnet.co.uk>, John Bellamy Foster <jfoster at uoregon.edu>, Manning
Marable <mm247 at columbia.edu>, Vandana Shiva <vandana at vandanashiva.com>,
Marcus Denton <mdenton0 at yahoo.com>, "baillargeon. normand" <
baillargeon.normand at uqam.ca>, Meaghan Linick-Loughley <
meaghan.linick at gmail.com>, Camila Pineiro-Harnecker <camila.ph at gmail.com>,
Ria Julian <riajulien at gmail.com>, Marvin Gettleman <marvget at earthlink.net>,
Ben Dangl <bendangl at gmail.com>, Milan Rai <milanrai at btinternet.com>, Ben
Chavis <info at hsan.org>, Elmar Altvater <altvater at zedat.fu-berlin.de>, Tom
Hayden <tomhayden at earthlink.net>, Julio Chavez <jrchavez2021 at gmail.com>,
Lydia Sargent <lydia.sargent at zmag.org>, David Edwards <
davidmedialens at yahoo.co.uk>, Kim Moody <Mooco3 at btinternet.com>, Jill
Soffiyah Elijah <jelijah at law.harvard.edu>, Neve Gordon <
Neve at exchange.bgu.ac.il>, Katja Kippling <katja.kippling at bundestag.de>,
Vivek Chibber <vivek.chibber at nyu.edu>, Mike Lebowitz <mlebowit at gmail.com>,
Naomi Klein <naomiaklein at gmail.com>, Gabriel Kolko <kolko at chello.nl>, Steve
Early <lsupport at aol.com>, Mike Davis <miked at uci.edu>, Chris Spannos <
chris.spannos at zmag.org>, Christophe Aguiton <aguiton at gmail.com>, Goren
Therborn <gt274 at cam.ac.uk>, Sonia Shah <soniashah at igc.org>, Jeff Cohen <
jcohen at ithaca.edu>, john pilger <jpilger2003 at yahoo.co.uk>, David Bacon <
dbacon at igc.apc.org>, James Sugget <jsuggett at gmail.com>, Erik Olin Wright <
wright at ssc.wisc.edu>, Andrej Grubacic <balkanozapatista at gmail.com>, Dave
Markland <dave_markland at hotmail.com>, Nicholas Stylopoulos <
nickstyl at gmail.com>, Timo Stollenwerk <timo at zmag.de>, John Kane <
jvictorkane at gmail.com>, Emily Kawano <emily at populareconomics.org>, Anthony
Arnove <arnove at spamarrest.com>, Alan Sokol <sokal at nyu.edu>, Marie Trigona <
mtrigona at msn.com>, Peter Hall Jones <munged_phj at newunionism.net>, andrew
paterson <agryfp at gmail.com>, Ed Herman <hermane at wharton.upenn.edu>,
Staughton Lynd <SALYND at aol.com>, Eric Sargent <esarge35 at gmail.com>, heather
gautney <gautney777 at aol.com>


We would like to invite you to participate in an extended online and print
exploration of societal vision and strategy to promote widely shared
understanding and activism.

We are calling this effort The Reimagining Society Project.

As an invitee and to get a better feel for what is outlined below, please
see the highly explanatory draft site of Reimagining Society at:



Project Origins

*The immediate spur for initiating the Reimagining Society Project was the
recent exchange of comments elicited by the article Barbara Ehrenreich and
Bill Fletcher published in The Nation magazine

( http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090323/ehrenreich_fletcher ) calling for
new shared vision and strategy to contribute to the increasing attention
across the globe at addressing Left renewal. The exchange was an excellent
step, but limited by too few participants as well as brevity and lack of
dialogue among those participating. We hope to undertake a greatly expanded
collective exploration via a multi stage project hosted by Z Communications
and outlined below.

The invitation committee, sending you this message, is:

Michael Albert, US ZCom/ZNet
Walden Bello, Philippines Focus on the Global South
Patrick Bond, South Africa, Center for Civil Society
Julio Chavez, Venezuela ex Mayor Carora, Current Rep
Noam Chomsky, US author/activist
Carol Delgado, Venezuela Consul General of NY Consulate
Jill Soffiyah Elijah, US Deputy Dir Harv Law Sch Crim. Justice
Barbara Ehrenreich, US author/activist
Bill Fletcher, US Black Commentator
Eduardo Galeano, Uruguay author/activist
Susan George, France, Attac
Katja Kipping, Germany Left Party Vice Chair
Naomi Klein, Canada author, activist
John Pilger, UK journalist/videographer
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Portugal WSF

Lydia Sargent, US ZCom/ZMag
Vandana Shiva, India author, activist
Mandisi Majavu, South Africa author, activist
Fernando Ramón Vegas Torrealba, Venezuela Supreme Court
Ranier Rilling, Germany, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Hilary Wainwright, UK Red Pepper

Below we include a brief note about our procedures, a rough timeline for the
project, a stage by stage description of the project as currently
envisioned, and finally a concluding summary of what we need from you if you
want to participate.


*Each participant in The Reimagining Society Project will have essentially
the same editorial status as all other participants. All participants can
write essays, comments, and replies and these will all be displayed in the
site in the same format.

Similarly, regarding who is invited, the initial inviters have sent this
message to about 360 others. From now on, the inviters become participants
like everyone else. More, anyone who receives this message and who is listed
on the draft site as an invitee and who sends us notice of their decision to
participate, can then also send us names of others to invite to participate.
Once these have come in, we will send a second round of invitations.

Regarding inviting more participants, we ask only that you take into account
that everyone who becomes a participant adds to the overall workload we have
in managing the details of the site and especially participant
communications. The aim is to have a representative group from various parts
of the world, all of whom as a prerequisite to participating are committed
to and hopefully involved with a mutually respectful and insightful approach
to vision and strategy.

Project Timeline


Assemble Invitation Committee: April 1 - 30
Send Invitations to Invitees seeking their agreement to participate: May 1
Receive replies from invitees (indicating yes or no on participating): May 2
– May 14
Participants send names of additional people to invite: May 2 – 14
Invite second round of potential recipients: May 15
Participants send brief Bios: May 2 – May 25
Some participants send one or two Opening Essays: May 15 – July 15...
Albert and Fletcher send requests for participants to assess and address
opening essays – June 15
Collect participant exchanges: June 15 –
Display Reimagining Society Project Site publicly: July 1 or at the latest
July 15
Solicit specific proposals from materials, for polling: August 15
Conduct first polls: August 25: Sept 1
Solicit group vision proposals: Aug 20 – Sept 1
Conduct poll on vision proposals: Sept 1 - 15”
Invite concluding essays from Participants and post as they arrive: Sept 15
Post concluding essays and consider follow up options: Sept 16...

Stage 1: Deciding to Participate and Replying

*We need you to please decide if you wish to participate in this project in
any way, and to let us know, either yes or no.

If you decide to participate, then we need you to please also send us a
three paragraph bio by May 25 at the latest. Your bio will appear on the
site so that all participants can easily make each other's acquaintance.

   - The first paragraph should include your age, country of birth, country
   of residence, and your occupation and/or school.
   - The second paragraph should briefly summarize your political history
   and current involvements and priorities.
   - The third paragraph should briefly indicate your hopes for the
   Reimagining Society Project, both what you personally hope to contribute and
   to gain, and what benefits you see for the project more broadly.

In your response, please also list any additional people you want us to
invite, including the person’s name, country, and email address. Please add
only people appropriate to the task who add a missing element. One serious
constraint on participation is that submissions need to be in English.
Suggestions for additional participants from countries not represented, or
under represented, will be most appreciated.

Finally, if you intend to contribute an opening essay or essays, in your
reply please indicate that too, and if possible, include a very tentative
title that lets us know your focus. If you prefer to limit your
participation to being a commentator or discussant, please indicate that as

Here is a form you can use to reply (please erase everything above and below
and send just this form, with your information, back to sysop at zmqg.org):

My Name (Enter your first and last name here, please):

Participate (please enter "yes" or "no"):

Brief Bio (please include here, in the email itself, or note that you will
send it later):

I would like to invite the following (please list the name, country, and
email for each person...):

Opening Essay (please enter "yes" if you want to write one or two, or "no"
if you don’t):

Title(s) (if yes on an opening essay, please include tentative title or
titles or at least topics, revealing the focus):

Stage 2: One Way to Participate - Opening Essays

*As one possible way to participate, we are asking about 360 people
worldwide to consider sending us a full essay, or perhaps even two, by July
15th, for the Reimagining Society Project. You can send something old – or
you can write something new.

Should you choose to contribute an opening essay or two, it/they should
highlight vision and/or strategy bearing on any area(s) of social life you
choose - for example economy, political relations, kinship and gender,
culture and race, ecology, and/or international relations - or perhaps
highlight narrower topics such climate, adjudication, sexuality, economic
allocation, religion, education, health, science, sports, art, etc. Length
of essays should be at least 2,500 words and at most 5,000 words so as to
have substance, yet remain comfortable to read online.

The Reimagining Society Project is entirely about positively and
innovatively proposing vision and strategy for the future, so please do not
allot more than 300 words to the usual critique/rejection of capitalist,
racist, sexist, relations, or to very general calls to rebel and resist. The
only reason any participant opening essay submission will be rejected is for
ignoring that mandate, though we also strongly urge that submissions be
highly readable.

We of course realize that not all participants will decide to send an
opening essay(s) – but will instead participate in other ways.

Stage 3: The Main Way to Participate – Mutual Exchange, Debate, and

*We will post opening essays on the Reimagining Society Web Site as we
receive them
( http://www.zcommunications.org/zparecon/reimaginingsociety.htm ) to
facilitate further discussions.

Each opening essay will appear on the Reimagining Society Site exactly as it
is written. It will be uploaded for participants to view immediately when we
receive it and will appear publicly for all viewers as early as July 1 and
certainly by July 15 and will remain in place thereafter. The site will be
prominently publicly visible in ZCom, the project's host/sponsor site, but
any other web site or organization is more than welcome to display as much
or all of the Reimagining Society content as they wish, after July 1. The
only exception to submitted essays appearing will be participant submissions
that don't propose positive vision and strategy or that are way off in

On June 15th Michael Albert and Bill Fletcher, from the initial inviters
list and responsible for maintaining the site, will write to all
participants – both those who have already written opening essays and those
who have indicated their desire to participate in other ways - and we will
request that each participant comment on at least two other participants'
submissions and remind that any participant is welcome to additionally
respond to the ideas of any other participants, all for prominent display on
the Reimagining Society Site.

We will post all replies and responses to replies authored by project
participants in whatever order we receive them. When the site goes public,
July 1, all opening essays and ensuing discussions we have will be
displayed. More will accumulate in subsequent weeks. (Non Participant
readers' comments on articles will also display, appended to articles in
typical web style.)

Stage 4: Proposals / Polls 1

*On or about August 15th we will ask authors of opening essays and major
participants in discussions and explorations of those essays to enumerate
specific institutional features or programmatic aims in their contributions
that they feel ought to be part of a broad societal vision and related
strategy. These will be itemized on the site.

Starting August 30th we will conduct two online polls, one for the general
readership of the site, one exclusively for project participants, each poll
eliciting reactions to the various itemized proposals offered in the content
of the exchanges, as determined by their authors.

At the same time, we will urge authors of opening essays and participants in
the project more generally to try to combine their efforts by teaming up to
collectively propose full Social Visions in the form of combinations of
itemized proposals.

The idea is that a few participants will collectively sign on to an array of
proposals as components of a broad proposal for shared vision/strategy which
they advocate and wish others to advocate as well. The hope is that this
will yield at least one and presumably two or several social visions (with
various features appearing in more than one or even in all of them but,
nonetheless, with some critical differences and incompatibilities).

Stage 5: Discussion / Polls 2

*From August 30 all participants will be invited to spend a month discussing
the contending collectively advocated social vision proposals - these are
proposals for society, not just for elements of society - as they have been
put together by authors who team together - with the ensuing discussions
trying to indicate reactions, pose questions, and especially debate or even
resolve incompatibilities.

Then, authors of the proposals may decide to amend them - and at that point,
to see where things stand, we will have another round of polling, this time
on reactions to the full proposals for shared vision/strategy.

Stage 6: Conclusion

*Finally, on September 15 we will invite every participant to optionally
comment at 2,000 words or less via a closing essay on the whole set of
articles and comments and replies and polls and especially on the
overarching societal visions, assessed as one large project.

These concluding essays will be displayed from September 30. Participants
can then assess prospects for continued work in light of levels of
agreement, mutual ties, etc.

Recapitulation: What We Need From You Now

*We need you to let us know as soon as you can that you are, or are not,
going to participate in the Reimagining Society project.

If you are going to participate, we need you to indicate any additional
people you want us to invite.
Finally, if you are going to contribute an opening essay, we need you to
please indicate that, and if possible, to include a very tentative title
that lets us know very broadly the focus.

Please use this form, which is the same as the one included above...and
erase everything else from your email reply, before filling it out - so in
our email the form is right at the top! Please send to sysop at zmag.org

My Name (Enter your first and last name here, please):

Participate (please enter "yes" or "no"):

Brief Bio (please include here, in the email itself, or note that you will
send it later):

I would like to invite the following (please list the name, country, and
email for each person...):

Opening Essay (please enter "yes" if you want to write one or two, or "no"
if you don’t):

Title(s) (if yes on an opening essay, please include tentative title or
titles or at least topics, revealing the focus):

We hope the Reimagining Society Project can be an inspiring step toward
developing and working for shared vision and strategy.

Thank You For Considering This Proposal,

Michael Albert, US ZCom/ZNet
Walden Bello, Philippines Focus on the Global South
Patrick Bond, South Africa, Center for Civil Society
Julio Chavez, Venezuela ex Mayor Carora, Current Rep
Noam Chomsky, US author/activist
Carol Delgado, Venezuela Consul General of NY Consulate
Jill Soffiyah Elijah, US Deputy Dir Harv Law Sch Crim. Justice
Barbara Ehrenreich, US author/activist
Bill Fletcher, US Black Commentator
Eduardo Galeano, Uruguay author/activist
Susan George, France, Attac
Katja Kipping, Germany Left Party Vice Chair
Naomi Klein, Canada author, activist
John Pilger, UK journalist/videographer
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Portugal WSF
Lydia Sargent, US Z Magazine
Vandana Shiva, India author, activist
Mandisi Majavu, South Africa author, activist
Fernando Ramón Vegas Torrealba, Venezuela Supreme Court
Ranier Rilling, Germany, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Hilary Wainwright, UK Red Pepper

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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