[p2p-research] On Thursday, your NY Senate launches a revolutionary new website.

noel hidalgo noel at noneck.org
Wed May 6 00:47:53 CEST 2009

Imagine a State where you could find out what your government is up to  
with just one click of the mouse.

What if that State were New York?

That is the goal of the new New York Senate's website < http://NYSenate.gov 

Though we live in the 21st century, most government bodies remain  
stuck in the technological dark ages. No longer. Under the leadership  
and vision of Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, your New York Senate is  
undertaking a series of reforms that will shift the way New York State  
government operates. Rules reform was the first step and the goal of  
these reforms is to return government to the people of New York.

Now with unprecedented openness, Long-awaited transparency, and an  
invitation for all New Yorkers to participate in the legislative  
process the new Senate website will facilitate an unprecedented shift  
in power into YOUR hands at < http://NYSenate.gov >.

On Thursday, May 7th, we invite you to a special press conference to  
learn about your new website and the many other innovations your New  
York Senate is undertaking.

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Simultaneous press conference in New York City and The Capitol
NYC - 250 Broadway, 14th Floor Hearing Room
Albany - The Capitol Building, Room 328
Online - http://www.nysenate.gov
Time 11:15AM Eastern

Your New York Senate’s new Twitter and Facebook accounts will also  
formally launch that same day. Follow @NYSenate for updates or send us  
questions via @NYSenate.

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