[p2p-research] 21st Century Socialism: Eleven Talking Points

Hervé Le Crosnier herve at info.unicaen.fr
Mon May 4 21:46:18 CEST 2009

Samuel Rose a écrit :

> I also wonder if it is plausible that where there is more government
> regulations directly on economics, banking, and individual business
> practice, agricultural practice, etc: there tends to be more political
> socialist activity? That is just a theory. That the pressure and
> contraints of over-governing with very little representation often sees
> political emregence of more traditional socialist and revolutionary
> poltical activism.

	May be it's the opposite :
	as social movements are strong and can discuss every aspect
	of public policy, states must not let "the black hand" of
	market decide alone...

	So the various institutions that can control economy,
	but also public life (from schools to social security -
	medicare) are issued from direct negociations between
	opposites social forces.

	For example, Unions and other workers movements think
	of medicare as a defeered salary : worker are paid once
	with their salary and twice with social security. And the
	negociations about salary must include the two parts.
	But in the recent times, employers think only of the
	first direct salary and call the other one "charges".

	This is not only a war of names, but really a different
	conception of collective life, and the wording and evaluation
	models of "richness". There were a very insightful article
	by Paul Krugman in 2005 in the New York Times :


Hervé Le Crosnier

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