[p2p-research] 21st Century Socialism: Eleven Talking Points

Hervé Le Crosnier herve at info.unicaen.fr
Mon May 4 10:33:48 CEST 2009

Michel Bauwens a écrit :
> Hi Sam,
> I face similar difficulties,
> socialism can mean many many different things, but it is essentially a
> 19 cy social ideology that has been deeply discredited by 20th century
> failings ...
> this is one of the reasons that I use the peer to peer narrative and
> steer away from any language in that tradition
> however, we have to realize that great numbers of people still are
> influenced by these or similar ideologies, including many sincere people
> striving earnestly for a just and more equal world,


	I agree with Michel, we have to connect two traditions
	of fighting for freedom : one coming fromthe industrial
	age, as a fight for propertyand control over means of
	production and one emerging from the information age,
	refusing new enclosures over interllectual property
	and establishing new commons.

	I wrote an article on this subject, explaining to
	ones issued from the first model (the altermondialist
	association ATTAC) the new opportunities opened by
	the free software movement.

	I'm sorry, it's in french, so few people can read this.
	But if it's of interest for some of you...


Hervé Le Crosnier

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