[p2p-research] Venture Communism or social capitalism

paola.dimaio at gmail.com paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Sat May 2 21:46:59 CEST 2009

> the question is : does the protection of private property ( and of the
> accumulation of provate property ? ) increase or decrease the  access to
> resources, and the capacity to co-create opportunities ?

from what I see, some does, and some does not
people should choose freely what they can share or co-own (I also move
around a lot, and my target ownership level is what my parents and friends
can store for me)
I only own approx 30 medium sized crates of stuff, but would like to boil
everything down to less than ten

> from my own experience again, my whole nomadic lifestyle of the last years
> was based on the optimization of resource use ( and of my autonomy through
> increased interdependence ) through a distributed approach : for example -
> hospitality, hitch hiking,  ...
> using resources available wherever I ended up, when they where shared.

thats great, but cannot always work, and not for everbody, but it definitel
works when done on a voluntary basis

> yes, a lot of questions open regarding governance :-)
> interesting paths we are opening, or re-opening.
in fact we dont need a regulatory change to change, to share is free and not
against the law in any country afaik...

my personal bottom line is /minimise waste/ and thats enough to keep me in
line for most things .....


>> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
>> dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> from my current point of view,
>>> property of any individual could ideally be limited to what one uses.
>>> hence not encouraging accumulation,
>>> which possibly adds an incentive for quality ?
>>> example : if I use my computer, I own it.
>>> if I have one old computer I do not use anymore, I am not entitled to its
>>> property anymore.
>>> although I could imagine I could perhaps have a say in the governance of
>>> who makes future use of it ?
>>> but this opens up many more questions.
>>> who has access to the fruit of production capacity ?
>>> consumers of the production ?
>>> who are allowed to be the consumers of production ?
>>> How far stretches the definition of "using" ?
>>> Do I own the processing capacity of my computer that I do not use?
>>> Do I own the hard disk capacity of my computer that I do not use ?
>>> I like Ryan's answer - how do we manage the governance of... the use of
>>> property ?
>>> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:
>>>> > What property ideologies best support p2p emergence and
>>>> sustainability?
>>>> Is part of your question the the sub-question of *who* should be the
>>>> owners?
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>> --
>> Paola Di Maio,
>> ****************************************

Paola Di Maio,
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