[p2p-research] Venture Communism or social capitalism

paola.dimaio at gmail.com paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Sat May 2 21:04:15 CEST 2009

we have to be careful

assuming your example, if i dont use my coat in the summer someone could
take it away from me, or my spare computer while I use my newer one,

thats how potentially good ideas can become dangerous nonsense
and I am glad that today there is a law to protect my private property
although I dont own much, and I think there is faar too much

but what about having a collective coat bank, where all your unused coats
are left for others to use, and you in turn can go and pick up an odd jacket
when you need one?

that would presuppose that everyone would expect the same level of care,
cleanliness, respect for the goods, then yes it could work

the big thorn is land and real estates, already enforces a right called
usucapione (transfer of ownership, which derives from usufrutto (use of the
fruit)... uti dominus perhaps?


remember feudalism, when labourer would work the land in exchange for a bowl
of rice at the end of the month?

it would be enough to increase the return of the labourer to a fair
percentage, or fair share of returns, then the same system could work

I am sure there is a lot of scope for improving the way resources are used,
and hopefully some way that would make everyone happy

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> from my current point of view,
> property of any individual could ideally be limited to what one uses.
> hence not encouraging accumulation,
> which possibly adds an incentive for quality ?
> example : if I use my computer, I own it.
> if I have one old computer I do not use anymore, I am not entitled to its
> property anymore.
> although I could imagine I could perhaps have a say in the governance of
> who makes future use of it ?
> but this opens up many more questions.
> who has access to the fruit of production capacity ?
> consumers of the production ?
> who are allowed to be the consumers of production ?
> How far stretches the definition of "using" ?
> Do I own the processing capacity of my computer that I do not use?
> Do I own the hard disk capacity of my computer that I do not use ?
> I like Ryan's answer - how do we manage the governance of... the use of
> property ?
> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:
>> > What property ideologies best support p2p emergence and sustainability?
>> Is part of your question the the sub-question of *who* should be the
>> owners?
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Paola Di Maio,
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