[p2p-research] Obama's reversal of promises = pathological lying?

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 20:28:53 CET 2009

I understand the what you're saying and tend to agree (in context of what
you mean) but I need to clarify the semantics you use, from a general point
of view:

The label "terrorist" is highly overloaded these days. We're all terrorists
in the eye of capitalism for considering peer production over centralized
capital-intensive production. Also, if you demonstrate against the war you
are now a terrorist according to Obama's Chief of Staff (he said that if
you're on the no fly list you;re a terrorist, and known war demonstrators
and organizers are on that list so that makes them terrorists)

Also, reactive "desire" is of subjective nature. It can be good, bad, both
or neither. If I lack reactive desire with my girlfriend during love making
then I must be dead. Same with reactivity with respect to music, poetry or
provocative opinions of others. Reactive and reflexive are the same at one
level since reflexivity is a reaction to internal, external or holistic
feedback. And reflexive desire is essential to self expression.

Reactive anger is a different story. That's what I call being "triggered"

I agree that spreading fear is bad but keeping it in check and letting
people be aware of it (and allowing them to recognize it) is essential
assuming that we also latch on to the positive things (or branches of hope)
around us.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Athina Karatzogianni
<athina.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> if i may interrupt this interesting discussion
> this reminds me of active and reactive desire, active would be the positive
> desire for change exemplified by alternative movements and reactive desire
> as witnessed in 'terrorist' militant and violent networks based on trading
> fear.
> to share sth else here i found today in serendipity, which shows how
> experience with technology can influence mentality i think its pretty cool
> [from entry in wikipedia]
> Nietzsche's typewriter - a Hansen Writing Ball<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hansen_Writing_Ball> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skrivekugle.jpg> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skrivekugle.jpg>
> 1878 model of the Hansen Writing Ball<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hansen_Writing_Ball>
> .
> In 1881, when he had serious problems with his sight, Nietzsche wanted to
> buy a typewriter <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typewriter> to enable him
> to continue his writing, and from letters to his sister<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_F%C3%B6rster-Nietzsche>it is known that he personally was in contact with “the inventor of the
> typewriter, Mr Malling-Hansen from Copenhagen”. He mentioned to his sister
> that he had received letters and also a typewritten postcard as an example.
> Nietzsche received his writing ball in 1882 directly from the inventor in
> Copenhagen <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copenhagen>, Denmark<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark>,
> Rasmus Malling-Hansen <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmus_Malling-Hansen>.
> It was the newest model, the portable tall one with a color ribbon, serial
> number 125, and several typescripts are known to have been written by him on
> this writing ball (approximately 60). It is known that Nietzsche was also
> familiar with the newest model from E. Remington and Sons<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Remington_and_Sons>(model 2), but he wanted to buy a portable typewriter so he chose to buy the
> Malling-Hansen writing ball, as this model was lightweight and easy to carry
> — one might characterize it as the 'laptop' of the day. Unfortunately
> Nietzsche wasn't totally satisfied with his purchase and never really
> mastered the use of the instrument. A number of theories have been advanced
> to explain why Nietzsche did not make more use of it.[80]<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche#cite_note-79>New research indicates Nietzsche was not aware that his trouble in using the
> machine had been caused by damage to it during transportation to Genoa in
> Italy, where he lived at the time.[81]<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche#cite_note-80>And when he turned to a mechanic who had no typewriter repair skills, the
> man managed to damage the writing ball even more. Nietzsche claimed that his
> thoughts were influenced by his use of a typewriter (*"Our writing
> instruments contribute to our thoughts"*, 1882).[82]<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche#cite_note-81>As one researcher has noted, "Nietzsche's interest in rhetoric and his
> experience of the typewriter framed his understanding of language in a
> highly symbolic way: the traditions of the philosophy of language versus the
> scientific and technological conditions of knowledge."[83]<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche#cite_note-82>On February 16, 1882 he even made a poem about his writing ball:
> Schreibkugel ist ein Ding gleich mir: von Eisen
> Und doch leicht zu verdreh'n zumal auf Reisen.
> Geduld und Takt muss reichlich man besitzen
> Und feine Fingerchen, ums zu benützen.
> *Or in English:*
> The Writing Ball is a thing like me: of iron
> Yet twisted easily – especially on journeys.
> Patience and tact must be had in abundance
> As well as fine [little] fingers to use it.
> Nietzsches Schreibkugel by Dieter Eberwein<http://www.eberwein-typoskriptverlag.de/>
> Typescripts and pictures of Nietzsche's writing ball<http://www.malling-hansen.org/friedrich-nietzsche-and-his-typewriter-a-malling-hansen-writing-ball.html>
> 2009/3/24 marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>
> So a summary of what I'm thinking...
>> 1. We need to keep the fear in check, so that we are aware of what is
>> pushing us and everyone off the cliff
>> 2. We need to find and create many positive and actionable alternatives,
>> solutions and ideas (the branches of hope) for us and others to latch on to,
>> to counter balance the thundering river (of fear, despair, extremism,
>> paranoia) that threatens to take us in (as a civilization) and push us off
>> the cliff ...
>> I think the combination of the two should help us focus on the positive,
>> while keeping the potentially negative trends in check. That's as detached
>> as I can get from my reptile brain.
>> Marc
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I agree that there is no better time than now to search for positive and
>>> radical solutions.
>>> But it's definitely good to recognize the growing fear and the trends
>>> that might lead into war and disaster and keep them in check and educate
>>> people about the significance of those trends.
>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Michel Bauwens <
>>> michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>> you can't control what everybody is feeling and historically, deep
>>>> depressions have created favourable ground for extremisms, but also,
>>>> positively, the search for 'radical' solutions that go at the 'root' of the
>>>> problem,
>>>> the key is to offer a convincing narrative and alternative to channel
>>>> positive energies for change,
>>>> Michel
>>>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:18 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> No that I'm not triggered I can convey the following:
>>>>> In my experience, a civilian security force and a police state (the no
>>>>> fly list as a list of enemies) both represent a proven method to get society
>>>>> in the mind zone for perpetual war and disaster, both manufactured for some
>>>>> geopolitical purpose, and both serving to control and brainwash the
>>>>> population to achieve that purpose.
>>>>> Having said that, I can feel a very dark voice in the  background of
>>>>> all of this noise and turmoil. In fact, we can all hear it.
>>>>> Maybe I am being pessimistic and maybe it's because of what's going on
>>>>> in my personal life at the moment, but the totality of what's happening to
>>>>> people here in the US and everywhere, the fear that is spreading like unseen
>>>>> but felt forest fire, is creating this mentally present and dark voice in
>>>>> our collective conscious. If people start being driven by that voice then
>>>>> it's over, i.e. fear brings fear like a global epidemic spread through the
>>>>> media and on the Internet.
>>>>> What we have to do, in my update opinion, is to listen to the voice of
>>>>> light and try to meditate to reach a higher state of consciousness, not
>>>>> dwell in this fear of what's to come because if we continue to listen to the
>>>>> dark voice in the background we will amplify the fear for ourselves and
>>>>> others. The world, everyone, is jittery. Those who will survive this wave of
>>>>> fear are not those who dig in and prepare for war and disaster but those
>>>>> recognize the fear yet choose to tune into what's positive.
>>>>> Therefore, I regret latching on and amplifying the fear.
>>>>> But it's better to recognize it than to live in it or react
>>>>> unconsciously to it (by digging in and getting ready for the worse)
>>>>> Once recognized, fear can be dealt with by tuning into the positive
>>>>> things that are happening all around us and trying to amplify those things,
>>>>> thus marginalizing the fear.
>>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>>> Marc
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 12:23 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Then all Obama is doing is embracing and extending the agenda enacted
>>>>>> by Bush while offering little hope here and there to suspend peoples
>>>>>> judgment or delay it as much as possible.
>>>>>> A little statistical dithering in his decision making gives a warm
>>>>>> fuzzy feeling and makes it easier for the people to like what they
>>>>>> see.
>>>>>> Item #2 is the extend part of embrace and extend.
>>>>>> I voted for Obama.
>>>>>> So this is all wonderful news to me.
>>>>>> Historically speaking, the establishment of a civilian security force
>>>>>> and basic training has been a precursor to war in   the past.
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> On 3/23/09, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi Marc,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Item 1 seems to me to be a holdover of the securitization after Bush
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > similarly to the failure of New Labour in that regard, the new admin
>>>>>> may
>>>>>> > feel that it cannot pull back on some measures, for fear of opening
>>>>>> > accusations of 'softness' ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > of course, these forces may also believe themselves in the need for
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> > stronger security state, especially in the context of expected
>>>>>> social
>>>>>> > unrest,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Michel
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:19 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >> Yes, that all makes sense and I support it too in my general
>>>>>> outlook and
>>>>>> >> my
>>>>>> >> long term stance but I am triggered by two very specific things:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> 1. No fly listed = terrorist. This is similar to what happened in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> >> past
>>>>>> >> that led to the rise of totalitarian governments. It is in the
>>>>>> extreme.
>>>>>> >> Average Americans are on that list. People born here whose only
>>>>>> crime is
>>>>>> >> that they exercised there right under the Constitution for peaceful
>>>>>> >> assembly.  This is very very wrong and his Chief of Staff should be
>>>>>> fired
>>>>>> >> for asserting that they will implement this.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> 2. The civilian security force and the basic training requirements.
>>>>>> This
>>>>>> >> is
>>>>>> >> again taken from the same playbook as #1. I have seen this kind of
>>>>>> >> preparation happen before major wars, not just for the heck of it
>>>>>> or to
>>>>>> >> be
>>>>>> >> "prepared."  Why don't they just say prepare for war?
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I am very triggered by #1 and #2 because they represent an
>>>>>> established
>>>>>> >> pattern for me, per personal experience, which I can shed light on
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> >> other time... when I'm less triggered.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> But this mix of conspiracy paranoia with serious dangerous trends
>>>>>> is not
>>>>>> >> helpful to anyone. Someone should put Alex Jones behind bars or
>>>>>> just get
>>>>>> >> him
>>>>>> >> to shut up. Someone more level headed should be in charge of
>>>>>> pointing out
>>>>>> >> calmly and rationally that the above pattern has been observed in
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> >> countries prior to major wars. I can do some research to expand
>>>>>> beyond
>>>>>> >> the
>>>>>> >> two countries I'm familiar with and the two major wars that
>>>>>> followed the
>>>>>> >> establishment of civilian security force and basic training
>>>>>> requirement,
>>>>>> >> and
>>>>>> >> I had lived in one of those two countries against my will (it took
>>>>>> us
>>>>>> >> years
>>>>>> >> to get them to let us leave that country)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I understand that correlations does not equal causation, but it's a
>>>>>> >> pretty
>>>>>> >> damn strong correlation. Why are they repeating these patterns that
>>>>>> had
>>>>>> >> been
>>>>>> >> associated with preparation for war if they don't think that a war
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> >> coming
>>>>>> >> at some point?
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Well, hey maybe I am crazy.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Marc
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:08 AM, Michel Bauwens
>>>>>> >> <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>> Hi Marc,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> perhaps I was less disappointed because the dual nature of the
>>>>>> Obama
>>>>>> >>> victory was to be expected,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> what I'm saying is that 'progressive' forces should critically
>>>>>> support
>>>>>> >>> the
>>>>>> >>> obama admin against more hostile forces, while keeping pressure to
>>>>>> bear
>>>>>> >>> in
>>>>>> >>> all the cases where the Admin does not go in the sense of the
>>>>>> promises
>>>>>> >>> and
>>>>>> >>> expectations ...
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> politicians are sensible to pressure, and I had a talk in Milan
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> >>> people given examples of how unions made him back away from
>>>>>> certain
>>>>>> >>> measures
>>>>>> >>> already ...
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> in politics, there may be better, but there is always almost
>>>>>> certainly
>>>>>> >>> worse as well!
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:01 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>> I was "triggered" violently by two things in that video (which is
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> >>>> the top for sure)
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> 1. His Chief of Staff saying that if you're on the no fly zone
>>>>>> then you
>>>>>> >>>> are not one of us and you're a terrorist. My girlfriend is on the
>>>>>> no
>>>>>> >>>> fly
>>>>>> >>>> list. She's born here. American blood. Her family came here in
>>>>>> 1700s.
>>>>>> >>>> She
>>>>>> >>>> had participated in anti-war demonstrations. Every time we go to
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> >>>> airport
>>>>>> >>>> it's one big fiasco. To say that she and people like her are
>>>>>> terrorists
>>>>>> >>>> is
>>>>>> >>>> BLIND and DANGEROUS to the extreme as far as liberty goes.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> 2. The "civilian security force" he is advocating for and the
>>>>>> basic
>>>>>> >>>> training. I had lived in a country that implemented those same
>>>>>> schemes
>>>>>> >>>> and
>>>>>> >>>> then got into war within 3-5 years after that. This triggers me
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>> >>>> extreme as I have seen such preparation come before disaster, not
>>>>>> >>>> after.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> 3. Broadcasting an official presidential campaign message (on TV)
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> >>>> says NAFTA was a mistake then turning to the Canadians and saying
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> >>>> it's
>>>>>> >>>> just campaign rhetoric.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> Because I am triggered by these two events, my trust in Obama is
>>>>>> null
>>>>>> >>>> and
>>>>>> >>>> void.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> You do have a point in being level headed and applying pressure
>>>>>> >>>> especially since he has the upper hand and will continue to have
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> >>>> upper
>>>>>> >>>> hand no matter how many people get triggered and angered.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> Marc
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Michel Bauwens <
>>>>>> >>>> michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> no politician that I know of would be able to keep all of his
>>>>>> promises
>>>>>> >>>>> ...
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> his record is mixed, and he's broken a number of them,
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> but to call that pathological, i.e. singling him out as extreme,
>>>>>> seems
>>>>>> >>>>> over the top, as is the rest of this conspiracy video ...
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> I think that a balanced judgment would require different sources
>>>>>> and a
>>>>>> >>>>> more level-headed judgment of what he's done or not ..
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> of course, his administration stance on the RIAA and other
>>>>>> matters is
>>>>>> >>>>> problematic,
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> a critical stance, coupled with self-organizing activity and
>>>>>> pressure
>>>>>> >>>>> on
>>>>>> >>>>> the administration by the social forces that elected him, would
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> >>>>> seem
>>>>>> >>>>> the right option,
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> Michel
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> 2009/3/23 marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> Skip to 45:00 minutes through the video and wait for a recount
>>>>>> of of
>>>>>> >>>>>> Obama's reversal of promises.
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> Then forward to 1:01:00 and watch Greenspan saying on PBS that
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> >>>>>> Federal Reserve is above the President and above Congress.
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> Seeing how pathological lying (or pathological reversal of
>>>>>> promises)
>>>>>> >>>>>> allowed people that I know intimately to manipulate and deceive
>>>>>> their
>>>>>> >>>>>> employees, partners, and investors and as a result profit in
>>>>>> the tens
>>>>>> >>>>>> of
>>>>>> >>>>>> millions of dollars I can see clearly why Obama finds it
>>>>>> tempting and
>>>>>> >>>>>> irresistible to use the same method.
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> In fact, one can argue that mega success in America is achieved
>>>>>> >>>>>> through
>>>>>> >>>>>> pathological lying, manipulation and legally protected theft.
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
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> --
> Dr Athina Karatzogianni
> Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society
> The University of Hull
> United Kingdom
> HU6 7RX
> phone: ++44 (0) 1482 46 5790
> Check out Athina's work:
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cyberconflict-Routledge-Research-Information-Technology/dp/0415396840/
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Power-Resistance-Conflict-Contemporary-World/dp/0415452988/
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cyber-conflict-Politics-Contemporary-Security-Studies/dp/0415459702/
> http://vectors.usc.edu/thoughtmesh/publish/135.php
> http://www.socialissuescollection.com/
> Press interviews:
> France:http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0,36-924253,0.html
> http://www.20minutes.fr/article/180599/Monde-La-Chine-a-soif-d-informations.php
> Greece:http://www.enet.gr/online/online_text/c=112,id=78490200
> Brazil:
> http://jbonline.terra.com.br/editorias/internacional/papel/2007/11/04/internacional20071104008.html
> http://jbonline.terra.com.br/editorias/internacional/papel/2007/05/20/internacional20070520003.html
> 'Today the problem is that the glaciers are melting too quickly, and the
> ideas that constructed world politics not quickly enough' Ken Booth 2007.
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