[p2p-research] P2P Energy Economy: Re-Launched with Major Fix to Exchange Model

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 21:37:26 CET 2009

P2P Energy Economy: Re-Launched with Major Fix to Exchange Model*

3.00.00 (Re-Launched)

Major changes from 2.x:

- Introduction of Fair Exchange, which is defined as the median cost in work
energy it takes to produce and deliver a given good or service PLUS a fixed
reward margin. *The concept of a fixed reward above cost does not replace
the existing concept of 'progressive profit' which encourages producers to
be more efficient as well as take creative risks; it simply applies more
broadly to all human producers even inefficient and non-creative ones since
human beings, unlike machines, need a guaranteed margin of reward for their
work (above the cost of the work) to use for rest and enjoyment of life*. In
this sense, the exchange model has been upgraded to work for human beings,
or, put another way, the goal of the exchange model has been changed from
maximum efficiency to sustainable efficiency. * <-- this is a natural
progression on the evolutionary ladder for a model of the economy designed
by an efficiency focused engineer (who understands machines and systems far
better than people)*

- Introduction of the requirements for a Open Production System as part of
conditions for sustainable abundance.  *<--- this emerged from our
discussion here on open production organizations/systems/processes *

MarcFawzi <http://p2pfoundation.net/User:MarcFawzi> 19:54, 22 March 2009

The model is far more viable IMO after the addition of a fixed reward margin

Release 3.00.00 is available at: http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Energy_Economy

Personal update:

All comments are welcome, but please note that I'm literally on the road at
this time, hoping from one cheap motel to another (not what you think) and
trying to find cheap (or at cost) housing to avoid total homelessness, so
I'm likely to reply to any comments in bursts.

Generally speaking, the more time I had invested in thinking about a better
economy the more I had divorced myself from the existing one.

I have been experimenting with P2P ideals in practice and I'm finding out
that we are building a lot of castles in the air in our theories and
assumptions, but there is still a lot of truth to the movement. For example,
while I found out that people who are not part of the intellectual P2P
movement do not fully understand its propositions (which we take for
granted), for those of us who are part of the movement, we can implement
those propositions, in partial way, by straddling both worlds. I find that
in order for me to get back the resources I gave up (which derived from my
place in the existing system) while upholding my ideals (expressed at length
in the P2P Energy Economy) I have to operate in both worlds at once. For
example, I found out that trying to empower clients as peers by offering my
mobile game/app development service for free or at cost and requiring them
to do some of the production is not something that the majority of people
out there are receptive to, for various reasons, not just fear of a world
without money, and I do need a very significant sample of those willing to
operate in P2P mode in order to make the proposition work.

So what I'm having to do as a result is play the game enforced by the
existing economy while pushing for my ideals among like-purposed
individuals. This is difficult since I have to multi-task between two
entirely different paradigms, and even two different versions of myself
(without being clinically inclined in that way)

The important thing is that I'm thoroughly enjoying being conscious of this
duality, as if I now have two worlds to live in not one, one of survival and
the other of discovery, but I'm sure that many of you here have been dealing
with this duality for a while now.

It is difficult to deal with duality in ourselves and others because our
mind is designed to distinguish between opposites (or at least to recognize
opposites as such.)

Anyway, back to the world of survival (for another burst there)

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