[p2p-research] Open Source Manufacturing

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 07:33:46 CET 2009

this may be of interest, 'open development' refers to openness in the
production organization, and has been discussed within the free software

(the material below is from http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Development)

Diomidis Spinellis <http://www.spinellis.gr/> at

"Instead of a management hierarchy dictating how and on what each developer
works, volunteers find tasks that interest them and work when they find
time. Instead of having the software’s source code (essentially its design)
hidden as a company’s proprietary secret, the open source programmers
publish their code on the internet for others to read, learn, experiment,
modify, improve, and reuse. Instead of erecting organizational barriers to
control their development process and their turf, the open source
development model brings all its artefacts in the open: discussions between
developers and users, problem reports, the historical record of changes made
to the software, even results of failed tests. Under this model transparency
and self-regulation nurture each other, fostering organic growth and taming
complexity." (http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=97)

*Weber* suggests eight principles to capture the essence of the open source

“Make it interesting and make sure it happens.” -- Combinations of
attraction and persuasion point participants toward problems.

“Scratch an itch.” -- Address an immediate problem or opportunity.

“Minimize how many times you have to reinvent the wheel.” -- Freed from
worry about “lock-in,” adopt others’ foundation solutions.

“Solve problems through parallel work processes whenever possible.” --
Traditional development process relies upon an engineering archetype, in
which an authority decides the path to be followed in development. Open
source process follows an evolutionary archetype, in which the community
allows multiple parallel paths to generate multiple alternative solutions,
from which successful solutions are later selected.

“Leverage the law of large numbers.” -- Open source projects engage many
bug-hunters and bug-fixers.

“Document what you do.” -- The larger, dispersed community is more reliant
on documentation.

“Release early and release often.” -- The evolutionary model rewards
frequent iterations (generations), but puts a strain on those that must
select among many submitted solutions.

“Talk a lot.” -- Direct communication within the community, with lots of
open conflict, typifies open source processes." (


Gianugo [1]<http://feather.planetapache.org/2006/03/08/should-osi-redefine-the-label-open-source/>:

"I would rather see the OSI, or an entirely new entity, patronise this
concept, which should be fairly easy (though not trivial) to protect as
there might be some objective criteria to tell open development from plain
Open Source. A first stab at what these criteria could be:

1. an Open Source license, of course;

2. a non-discriminatory access to the developer’s community;

3. a well-defined and stated process for people to get involved;

4. a neutral and self-elected governing body;

5. (more difficult, could mean having a preferential lane) a neutral party
such as a foundation owning the code.

The OSI (or its spinoff, or whatever) would assert whether a community
deserves the status of “open development”, much like today the OSI is
approving licenses. The process could be standardised by providing “open
development processes” in terms of bylaws and charters which could then be
just applied via find/replace much like what happens today with licenses.
The specific authorization to use the “brand” should be temporary and
subject to arbitration if someone complains about a community not respecting
the self-inflicted rules." (


>From a SAP White Paper, "three key characteristics of open source projects:

Open source is said to be based on the principle of meritocracy. We have
found that the principle of meritocracy is used as an umbrella term for the
following three more specific principles of open source:

*Egalitarian*. Everyone can contribute, because open source projects are
accessible on the Internet and the project community is typically inclusive
to anyone who wants to help.

=> *Project members need to be inclusive of whoever comes along to help
rather than viewing them as a foreign element. Documenting the project with
future readers in mind is a core aspect of this.*

*Meritocratic*. Contributions are judged transparently and based on their
merits. All decisions are discussed publicly on mailing lists and can be
looked up for reference.

=> *Project members need to realize that important input and contributions
can come from all across the organization based on perspectives that may be
unfamiliar to the original developers.*

*Self-organizing*. There is typically no defined process imposed from the
outside so the project community itself determines how to go about its work.

=> *projects need to be accommodating of their volunteers and respectful of
their time.* (


Peter Hoddinott and Tony Bailetti
[2]<http://www.osbr.ca/archive.php?issue=10&section=Ar#A2>define four
possible scenario’s mixing open source code with an open or
closed process of developing it:

“the production of the code lacked key open source characteristics such as:

• No external contributors: all code was developed in-house prior to being
published on the Internet

• No visibility of who developed the code and when they developed it

• No mechanisms were available to the general public for

(i) contributing to the production of the code prior to its release in
Sourceforge.net or

(ii) participating in the governance structure of the organization that
produced it

In short, the code was open, but the process used to produce it was closed.
There was no public community behind the production of the code, and no
accommodation for such a community.

Our discussion then turned to the ambiguity in the usage of the word
"source". Does source mean the computer code written in a recognized
programming language, or the process used to produce the code, or something
else? If we allow source to mean two different things:

(i) the process used to produce the code, and

(ii) the computer code, four cases are possible:

1. Open process and open computer code

2. Closed process and open computer code

3. Open process and closed computer code

4. Closed process and closed computer code

We surmise that many use the term open source with *case 1* in mind. For
example, the Eclipse code is licensed under the OSI approved Eclipse Public
License (EPL). The central repository for the code base is available and the
general public can, with ease, track the pedigree of the code. Release dates
are known and published. The general public is encouraged to contribute to
the organization itself, to define projects, and to write code. Moreover,
the governance structure used to manage all the Eclipse projects is

*Case 2* was outlined above, and it characterizes what our software
professional called "open code" but not "open source". A fundamental
contradiction seems to exist when an open source asset is developed using a
process controlled by a single party. For example, the Open Office project
has been criticized. for encouraging a development culture that differs
radically from the open-source norm The majority of the contributors to the
Open Office project work for Sun Microsystems.

*Case 3* includes instances of organizations and individuals that produce a
reference implementation of some standard to accelerate that standard's
adoption. The code of the reference implementation is typically produced
using open processes but the code itself may not be released under an open
source licence. The reason is straightforward: releasing the code under an
open source licence would potentially weaken the purpose and authority of
the standard by facilitating the ease by which deviations of the standard
may be introduced.

*Case 4* includes instances which are typically referred to as proprietary
or closed software. The process used to produce the code is closed, and the
software is released using a non-open source licence. This case includes
instances where several organizations create a consortium to produce code
that only those with membership within the consortium have visibility and
access to. Typically, such consortiums have a tiered membership that
stipulates the members' rights with respect to the code.

It can also be argued that the use of "source" does not distinguish between
the three types of code, any of which could be open or closed. Source can

(i) the code used to implement a system or component,

(ii) the interface where what we open is the application programming
interface (API), or

(iii) the data underlying the implementation where most any application or
system creates value from the data underlying it.

It can also be argued that source is not limited to computer code. One could
extend the four cases described above to combine open and closed processes
with hardware schematics or documentation, two examples of assets which are
increasingly being considered as open.” (

Discussion [edit<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Development?title=Open_Development&action=edit&section=5>
The four factors of openness

Peter Hoddinott and Tony Bailetti

“we had occasion to find ourselves struggling as we tried to make sense of
instances of the word open in the context of community code. For example, we
found instances where open meant that releases of the code were made
available to the general public (i.e., non-members of a consortium);
however, releases to the general public were delayed 12 months from the time
it was available to the members of the consortium. We also found instances
where what open meant depended upon the level of membership. The more
expensive memberships provided these members more privileges to participate
in and influence the processes, for example with veto power. In these
examples, open is not equated with full access; instead, open is a matter of
degree and that degree is metered out in a distinctly defined hierarchy of

This seeming confusion and differences about what is open and what is source
and the use of open source to refer to phenomena that fall well outside the
OSD, led us to conclude that we need to better understand the
characteristics of the systems in which open source assets are produced,
used and distributed.

We conceptualize any such system as being comprised of four components:

1. *Network*: the network of individuals and organizations that produce, use
and distribute an asset

2. *Processes*; the processes, approaches, rules and understandings that
lead to the production, use and distribution of an asset

3. *Governance*: the governance structure of the organization and the
projects within the organization

4. *Value*: value created through collaboration and value appropriated
through competition

We observe that a healthy open source system is required to compete with a
strong proprietary system; that is, an open source system cannot compete by
virtue of the distribution license alone.

*What one would generally agree upon as being an open source system could be
expressed in terms of the health of its four components.* Such a definition
would not be static, but would arguably be more accurate and useful in
determining the true value of an open source system. For example, one could
speak in terms of a system not having reached the status of being open
source until it is deemed to be healthy. And an open source system may
subsequently cease to be an open source system if its health deteriorates
beyond some point. This line of inquiry could then further leverage health
of the four components as a means for distinguishing other types of systems
such as closed systems and community systems.

Our initial suggestion as to what is relevant for assessing the health of
each of the four components of a system is as follows:

1. *Network*: Large, distributed and diverse: We distinguish between an
asset produced by a well developed network from an asset produced by a small
number of collocated producers who have similar characteristics. A general
reference model for an open source asset would be one that is produced by a
well developed network that is able to integrate, test, and quality assure
contributions from a large number of diverse individuals and organizations
dispersed throughout the world

2. *Process*: Includes meritocracy where one is recognized for the quality
of their contributions; transparency in communications and guidelines;
recruitment and promotion methods; and mechanisms for dealing with difficult

3. *Governance*: Includes participation; relationship between contribution
and the influence that can be asserted; membership's influence over a
project, influence over the overall system governance, and ability to alter
the governance structure

4. *Value creation and appropriation*: Usefulness of the asset; how
free-riders are addressed--if it is too easy to appropriate value no one
would pay for a membership or undergo an apprenticeship to move from being a
developer/contributor who writes code or documentation to a committer with
write access to the codebase; access to the asset by virtue of the license.”

See also: Openness in Open Source Software
The Role of Community in Development


Nelson Ko [4] <http://www.osbr.ca/archive.php?issue=10&section=Ar#A6>:

"Understanding the nature of the community that produces the open source
software is a critical part of evaluation that is often overlooked by users
who are new to open source software. Unlike closed source alternatives, key
support options for open source software include non-commercial channels
provided by an extended community. Therefore, important criteria that should
be considered when evaluating open source software include the size and
vibrancy of the community, the availability of online documentation, and
access to support via mailing lists, forums, and IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
One source for such information is statistics on sites such as SourceForge
and Ohloh. However, both sites focus on the contribution of developers and
it is important to note that contribution to an open source community is
more than just commits to the codebase. As in commercial software,
production of good open source software also requires documentation,
testing, support, training, and the incorporation of user feedback. An
understanding of the maturity of the community can help to answer questions
such as "what support mechanisms are available if we roll out this
software?" and "how difficult will it be to install and use this
software?"An evaluation of an open source community should also consider the
broader ecosystem in which it exists. An environment in which open source is
prevalent results in consumer choice that is arguably unparalleled in closed
source ecosystems. Open source software has a clear advantage in some
domains, for example, in the area of wikis. Freely downloadable open source
solutions are plentiful and comparable in terms of quality to their
expensive, closed source counterparts.

A deeper understanding of the nature of the community is also critical in
determining the nature of support that will be available for an open source
software. It is important to consider the nature of the resources the
community has to offer in relation to the capabilities of your organization.
For example, the Tikiwiki and Drupal communities have a large number of
highly technical members who can provide support at a high level of
technical sophistication. On the other hand, another popular content
management system Joomla, has a relatively smaller team of technical experts
combined with a larger community of less technical but more design oriented
individuals such as graphic designers and web designers. Largely as a result
of this structure, the Joomla support forums tend to become somewhat
overwhelmed with questions of a "how-to" nature. Discussions over more
complex technical issues are therefore less prominent. On the other hand, it
is much easier to find consultants that are able to make low cost design
customizations for Joomla than it is for Drupal or Tikiwiki. Another benefit
of open source software like Joomla that is exposed to a wider swath of
mainstream users is that they tend to be more user-friendly, although this
usually comes at a price of reduced functionality." (


" at the end of the day, the most crucial issue is the development
community. It is the strength and the diversity of the development community
which is the best indicator for the health and the well-being of an Open
Source project.

But what about end-users, I hear people cry? End users are important, to the
extent that they provide ego-strokes to the developers, and to the extent
that they provide testing and bug reports to the developers, and to the
extent that they provide an economic justification to companies who employ
open source developers to continue to do so. But ultimately, the effects of
end-users on an open source project is only in a very indirect way.

Moreover, if you ask commercial end users what they value about Open Source,
a survey by Computer Economics indicated that the number one reason why
customers valued open source was “reduced dependence on software vendors”,
which end users valued 2 to 1 over “lower total cost of ownership”. What’s
important to commercial end users is that they be able to avoid the effects
of vendor lock-in, which implies that if all of the developers are employed
by one vendor, it doesn’t provide the value the end users were looking for.

*This is why whether a project’s developers are dominated by employees from
a single company is so important.* The license under which the code is
released is merely just the outward trappings of an open source project.
What’s really critical is the extent to which the development costs are
shared across a vast global community of developers who have many different
means of support. This saves costs to the companies who are using a product
being developed in such a fashion; it gives choice to customers about
whether they can get their support from company A or company B; programmers
who don’t like the way things are going at one company have an easier time
changing jobs while still working on the same project; it’s a win-win-win

In contrast, if a project decides to release its code under an open source
license, but nearly all the developers remain employed by a single company,
it doesn’t really change the dynamic compared to when the project was
previously under a closed-source license. It is a necessary but not
sufficient step towards attracting outside contributors, and eventually
migrating towards having a true open source development community. But if
those further steps are not taken, the hopes that users will think that some
project is “cool” because it is under an open-source license will ultimately
be in vain. The “Generation Y”/Millennial Generation in particular are very
sensitive indeed to Astroturfing-style marketing tactics." (

Six Limitations of the current model

Felix Stadtler [5]<http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0308/msg00043.html>:

"Six Limitations to the Current Open Source Development Methodology

The "Open Source Approach" to develop informational goods has been
spectacularly successful, particularly in the area for which it was
developed, software. Also beyond software, there are important, successfull
Open Source projects such as the free Encyclopedia, Wikipedia; collaborative
sites writing/publishing projects such as koro5hin.org; and the Distributed
Proofreading Project, attached to the Gutenberg Project.

However, particularly outside the software domain, the Open Source projects
remain relatively marginal. Why? Some of it can be explained by the relative
newness of the approach. It takes time for new ideas to take hold and to be
transferred successfully from one context to another. But this is only part
of the story. The other part is that the current development model is based
on a number of specific, yet unacknowledged conditions that limit its
applicability to more diverse contexts, say the music distribution or drug

The boundaries to the open production model as it has been established in
the last decade are set by six conditions characterizing virtually all of
the success stories of what Benkler called "commons-based peer production."
The following list is a conceptual abstraction, a kind of ideal-type. The
actual configuration and relative importance of each condition varies from
project to project, but taken together they indicate the boundaries of the
current model. In this elaboration, I draw from examples of free and open
source software, but it would be simple to illustrate these limitation based
on open content projects.

*1) Producers are not sellers*

The majority professional, i.e. highly-skilled, programmers do not draw
their economic livelihood from directly selling the code they write. Many
work for organizations that use software but do not sell it, for example as
system administrators. For them the efficient solution of particular
problems is of interest, and if that solution can be found and maintained by
collaborating with others, the sharing of code is not an issue. For others
employed in private sector companies, for example at IBM, the development of
free software is the basis for selling services based on that code. The fact
that some people can use that code without purchasing the services is more
than off-set by being able to base the service on the collective creativity
of the developer community at large. From IBM's point of view, the costs of
participating in open software development can be regarded as 'capital
investment' necessary for the selling of the resulting product: services.

For members of academia (faculty and students) writing code, but not selling
(often explicitly prohibited), contributes to their professional goals, be
it as part of their education, be it as part of their professional
reputation-building. For them, sharing of code is not only part of their
professional advancement, but an integral part of the professional culture
that sustains them also economically,. in form of salaries for the faculty
and stipends for the (graduate) students.

Last but not least are all those who use their professional skills outside
the professional setting, for example at home on evenings and weekends.
Having already secured their financial stability, they can now pursue other
interests using the same skill set.

*2) Limited capital investment*

Particularly the last, and very important group of people, whose who work
outside the institutional framework on projects based on their own
idiosyncratic interests, can only exist due to the fact that the means of
production are extraordinarily inexpensive and accessible. Materially, all
that is needed is a standard computer (often even a substandard one would
already suffice) and a fast, reliable connection to the communication forums
of the community. Of course, the computer and the network rely on a level of
infrastructure that cannot be taken for granted in large parts of the world,
but for most people in the centers of development, they are within
relatively easy reach.

Once this access to be means of communication is secured, the skills
necessary to participate in the development of code can also be acquired
collaboratively, free of charge. The number of self-taught programmers is
significant. Since no expensive diplomas are necessary to become active, the
financial hurdle is, indeed, extraordinarily low.

*3) High number of potential contributors*

Programming knowledge is becoming relatively common knowledge, no longer
restricted to an engineering elite, but widely distributed throughout
society. Of course, truly great programmers are rare as truly great artists
are, but average professional knowledge is widely available. This has a
quantitative and a qualitative dimensions. Quantitatively, the number of
able programmers is in the millions, and rising. Qualitatively, the range of
people capable programmers is also unusually wide, not the least because the
material hurdles are so low and the learning can take place outside of
institutions with entry exams and tuition fees. This large and diversified
pool of talents makes it possible to create the critical mass of
contributors out of only a fraction of population.

*4) Modularized Production*

A large software program consists of many smaller code segments (libraries,
plug-ins etc.)This makes it possible to break down the production process
into many small steps which can be carried out by distributed contributors.
If the act of integration is relatively straight forward, it allows to keep
the amount of work that each has to contribute highly flexible and also make
use of smaller contributions (bug reports, patches). Furthermore, the
modularity of the production process allows a high number of people to work
in parallel without creating significant interferences.

*5) Producers Are Users*

According to Eric S. Raymond, a good open source projects starts with a
programmer scratching his own itch and finding out in the process that there
are many others with the same problem. Wanting to use a program is a great
motivation of contributing to developing it. Often, it's much more efficient
that waiting, hoping that someone will write and sell a program that will
address one's particular need.

*6) No Liability*

Last, but not least, software has no product liability. Paragraph 11 of the
GPL states, similar to most other licenses, that "the copyright holders
and/or other parties provide the program 'as is' without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose"
(GPL, v2). The absence of liability makes it possible to produce a program
without having to assign clear ownership, or other markers allowing to
determine liability, to it.

The space delimited by these condition is large and still not fully
explored. We can expect that the current open production model will find
additional niches in which it can thrive. Few could have predicted the
success of Wikipedia only three years ago, even though Open Source Software
had already been very successful at the time. However, it is also clear that
many information goods fall outside of this space. Not always are the means
of production inexpensive and readily available or the production process
modular. Sometimes, the number of potential producers is small, more often
than not are the producers not the users of their own products, and, in many
cases, product liability is desirable.

This does not mean that the "open source model" cannot apply to, say, the
production of literary works, music, or medical drugs. What it means,
however, is that to make it viable, another round of social innovation is
required. This is slowly happening. The growth of "Open Access Journals" or
discussions around "compulsory licensing" are good, though very early
examples." (

Does its model survive corporate cooptation

Excerpts taken from an article by Doc Searls in Linux Journal, April 2008,
at http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/linux-now-slave-corporate-masters

To what degree does the fact that free software programmers now get paid,
change the internal dynamics of peer production? The following debate, taken
from Linux Journal, effectively answers that question,while at the same time
confirming the huge commercialization that has been going on.

On April 30, the Linux
an important question: Is Linux now a slave to corporate masters? Does
it matter who pays the salaries of Linux kernel developers? If so, how much,
and in what ways?.

This question was prompted by a report from the Linux
on the characteristics of those working on the Linux kernel.

Tom Slee <http://whimsley.typepad.com/whimsley/2008/04/linux-grows-up.html>has
summarized the findings:

“One of the highlights: “over 70% of all kernel development is demonstrably
done by developers who are being paid for their work”. 14% is contributed by
developers who are known to be unpaid and independent, and 13% by people who
may or may not be paid (unknown), so the amount done by paid workers may be
as high as 85%. The Linux kernel, then, is largely the product of
professionals, not volunteers.

So Linux has become an economic joint venture of a set of companies, in the
same way that Visa is an economic joint venture of a set of financial
institutions. As the Linux Foundation report makes clear, the companies are
participating for a diverse set of commercial reasons. Some want to make
sure that Linux runs on their hardward. Others want to make sure that the
basis of their distribution business is solid. And so on, and none of these
companies could achieve their goals independently. In the same way, Visa
provides services in many different locations around the world in different
sizes and types of stores. Some banks need their service mainly in one
country, some in another, but when they work together they all get to
provide their services all around the world.

…the Linux Foundation report has made clear that open source has crossed its
commercial Rubicon, and there is probably no going back.” (

Nick Carr <http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2008/04/open_source_as_1.php>predictably
concludes from this:

“The shift in Linux kernel development from unpaid to paid labor, from
volunteers to employees, suggests that the Net doesn’t necessarily weaken
the hand of central management or repeal all the old truths about business
organization.” (

This specific argument is addressed by Timothy
who is essentially saying that the corporatization of Linux has not changed
its underlying organisational model:

“*For starters, most of the people contributing to the kernel are
professional programmers, and most professional programmers have jobs in the
software industry. So it’s totally unsurprising that most kernel
contributors work for software companies.* But Carr’s observation also
misses the point in a deeper way. What makes the open source model unique
isn’t who (if anyone) signs the contributors’ paychecks. Rather, what
matters is the way open source projects are organized internally. In a
traditional software project, there’s a project manager who decides what
features the product will have and allocates employees to work on various
features. In contrast, there’s nobody directing the overall development of
the Linux kernel. Yes, Linus Torvalds and his lieutenants decide which
patches will ultimately make it into the kernel, but the Red Hat, IBM, and
Novell employees who work on the Linux kernel don’t take their orders from
them. They work on whatever they (and their respective clients) think is
most important, and Torvalds’s only authority is deciding whether the
patches they submit are good enough to make it into the kernel. Carr
suggests that the non-volunteer status of Linux contributors proves that the
Internet “doesn’t necessarily weaken the hand of central management,” but
that’s precisely what the open source development model has done. There is
no “central management” for the Linux kernel, and it would probably be a
less successful project if there were*.”* (

Ed Cone<http://blogs.cioinsight.com/knowitall/content001/decoding_the_professionalization_of_linux.html>confirms:

“What that kind of analysis is missing is that IBM is paying engineers to
work on projects that IBM doesn’t own, or solely direct. You pay these
engineers — but of all the relationships between senior management and line
employees, the fact you are paying them is about the least important,
institutionally. The idea that the minute you pay people to do something,
you have the right to manage them and the right to completely take over that
work for the benefit of the company — that’s not true. IBM is not producing
that code, IBM engineers are. IBM is paying those people because it’s
getting value out of them — Linux creates value for the enterprise, it
lowers our cost of managing software, it increases peoples’ budgets for
hardware and services — but there’s this crazy middle step where Linux is
not now and cannot be owned or controlled by IBM. Linux is a brutal
technical meritocracy, and there is no senior manager at IBM who can say, “I
don’t care what the kernel engineers think, I want this.” They can’t put it
into the product without appealing to people who don’t work for them. If
they announced a strategic change in the kernel they would be laughed out of
the room. They have given up the right to manage the projects they are
paying for, and their competitors have immediate access to everything they
do. It’s not IBM’s product.

There is a kind of perverse misreading of the change here to suggest that as
long there are paid programmers working on the project, it’s not developing
in any way different from what’s going on inside traditional organizations.
It badly misunderstands how radical it is to have IBM and Novell effectively
collaborating with no contractual agreement between them, and no right to
expect that their programmers’ work is going to be contributed to the kernel
if people external to those organizations don’t like it. And that’s a huge

When people read those statistics, they think, If there’s a salary, then all
the other trappings of management must go along with it. Not only is that
not true, it’s actually blinds you to the fact that paying someone a salary
without being able to direct their work is probably the biggest challenge to
managerial culture within a business that one can imagine.” (

Doc Searls then concludes the article with some personal observation and
especially quoting a personal testimony by Andrew Morton, confirming the
indepedence of kernel programmers:

“Andrew went out of his way to make clear, without irony, that the symbiosis
between large vendors and the Linux kernel puts no commercial pressure on
the kernel whatsoever. Each symbiote has its own responsibilities. To
illustrate, he gave the case of one large company application.” (

Example [edit<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Development?title=Open_Development&action=edit&section=10>
The Linux Kernel Development

Andrew Morton:

"How do new features find their way into "legacy infrastructure" open source
projects such as the Linux kernel? In other words, what is the requirements
analysis and planning process?

- First up, with a legacy project, the feature set tends to be well

We're implementing 30-year-old technology, so we're working to all that
prior understanding of how these things should traditionally operate. This
removes a lot of uncertainty from the design process.

And to a large extent we're strongly guided by well-established standards:
POSIX, IEEE, IETF, PCI, various hardware specs, etc. There's little room for
controversy here.

- Generally, new features are small (less than one person-year) and can be
handled by one or two individuals. This is especially true of the kernel
which, although a huge project is really an agglomeration of thousands of
small projects. Linus has always been fanatical about maintaining the
quality and sanity of interfaces between subsystems, and this stands us in
good stead when adding new components.

This agglomeration of many small subsystems fits well into the disconnected,
distributed development team model which we use.

If the project was a large greenfield thing, such as, say, an integrated
security system for the whole of San Jose airport then open source
development methodologies would, I suspect, simply come undone: the amount
of up-front planning and the team and schedule coordination to deliver such
a greenfield product is much higher than with "legacy infrastructure"

The resourcing of projects in the open source "legacy infrastructure" world
is interesting. We find that the assignment of engineering resources to
feature work is very much self-levelling. In that if someone out there has
sufficient need for a new feature, then they will put the financial and
engineering resources into its development. And if nobody ends up
contributing a particular feature, well, it turns out that nobody really
wanted the feature anyway, so we don't want it in the kernel. The system is
quite self-correcting in that regard.

Of course, the same happens in conventional commercial software development:
if management keeps on putting engineers onto features which nobody actually
wants then they won't be in management for very long. One hopes. But in the
open source world we really do spend zero time being concerned with
programmer resource allocation issues -- the top-level kernel developers
never sit around a table deciding which features deserve our finite
engineering resources for the next financial year. Either features come at
us or they do not. We just don't get involved at that level.

And this works. Again, because of the nature of the product: a bundle of
well-specified and relatively decoupled features. If one day we decided that
we needed to undertake a massive rewrite of major subsystems which required
15 person years of effort then yes, we'd have a big management problem. But
that doesn't happen with "legacy infrastructure" projects.

Development processes and workflow

- All work is performed via email. Preferably on public mailing lists so a
record of discussions is available on the various web archives. I dislike
private design discussions because it cuts people out of the loop, reduces
the opportunity for others to correct mistakes and you just end up repeating
yourself when the end product of the discussion comes out.

- Internet messaging via the IRC system is used a little bit, but nothing
serious happens there -- for a start it's unarchived so for the previously
mentioned reasons I and others tend to chop IRC design discussions off and
ask that they be taken to email.

- We never ever use phone conferences.

- The emphasis upon email is, incidentally, a great leveller for people who
are not comfortable with English -- they can take as much time as they need
understanding and composing communications with the rest of the team.

- Contributors send their code submissions as source code patches to the
relevant mailing lists for review and testing by other developers. The
review process is very important. Especially to top-level maintainers such
as myself. I don't understand the whole kernel and I don't have the time or
expertise to go through every patch. But I very much like to see that
someone I trust has given a patch a good look-over.

- When a patch has passed the review process it will be merged into one of
the many kernel development trees out there. The USB tree, the SCSI tree,
the ia64 tree, the audio driver tree, etc. Each one of these trees has a
single top-level maintainer.

I run a uber-tree called the "mm kernels" which integrates the latest
version of Linus's tree with all the other top-level trees (32 at the last
count). On top of that I add all the patches which I've collected from
various other people or have written myself -- this ranges from 200 to 700
extra patches. I bundle the whole lot together and push it out for testing
maybe twice a week.

When we're confident that a particular set of patches has had sufficient
test and review we will push that down into Linus's tree, which is the core
public kernel, at kernel.org.

- Vendors such as Red Hat and Suse will occasionally take a
kernel.orgkernel and will add various fixes and features. They will go
through a
several month QA cycle and will then release the final output as their
production kernel.

- The preferred form of bug reports from testers is an email to the relevant
mailing list. We go through a diagnosis and resolution process on the public
list, hopefully resulting in a fix. This whole process follows a
many-to-many model: everyone gets to see the problem resolution in progress
and people can and do chip in with additional suggestions and insights.

This process turns out to be quite effective.

- We do have a formal web-based kernel bug reporting system, using bugzilla.
But the bugzilla process is one-to-one rather than many-to-many and ends up
being much less effective because of this. I screen all bugzilla entries and
usually I'll bounce them directly to up email if I think the problem needs

The mailing lists are high volume and it does take some time to follow them.
But if a company wishes their engineering staff to become as effective as
possible with the open source products, reading and contributing to the
development lists is an important function and engineer time should be set
aside for this." (http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20041122035814276)

Citations on the role of Emergence in the Linux Development process

Selected by Karim Lakhani:

Rik van Riel: “It seems like Linux really isn't going anywhere in particular
and seems to make progress through sheer luck”

Linus (in several emails in a longer thread):

“Hey, that's not a bug, that's a FEATURE![his emphasis]

“Do I direct some stuff? Yes. But, quite frankly, so do many others. Alan,
Al, David, even you. And a lot of companies are part of the evolution
whether they realize it or not. And all the users end up being part of the
‘fitness testing’....

“A strong vision and a sure hand sound good on paper. It's just that I have
never met a technical person (including me) whom I would trust to know what
is really the right thing to do in the long run....

“Too strong a strong vision can kill you-- you'll walk right over the edge
firm in the knowledge of the path in front of you...

“I'd much rather have ‘brownian motion,’ where a lot of microscopic directed
improvements end up pushing the system slowly in a direction that none of
the individual developers really had the vision to see on their own.”

(Source: Linux kernel email list

additional discussion from

Why diverse communities of developers are so important for Open
Development<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Development>of Open
Source Software <http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Source_Software>


Nelson Ko [1] <http://www.osbr.ca/archive.php?issue=10&section=Ar#A6>:

"Understanding the nature of the community that produces the open source
software is a critical part of evaluation that is often overlooked by users
who are new to open source software. Unlike closed source alternatives, key
support options for open source software include non-commercial channels
provided by an extended community. Therefore, important criteria that should
be considered when evaluating open source software include the size and
vibrancy of the community, the availability of online documentation, and
access to support via mailing lists, forums, and IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
One source for such information is statistics on sites such as SourceForge
and Ohloh. However, both sites focus on the contribution of developers and
it is important to note that contribution to an open source community is
more than just commits to the codebase. As in commercial software,
production of good open source software also requires documentation,
testing, support, training, and the incorporation of user feedback. An
understanding of the maturity of the community can help to answer questions
such as "what support mechanisms are available if we roll out this
software?" and "how difficult will it be to install and use this
software?"An evaluation of an open source community should also consider the
broader ecosystem in which it exists. An environment in which open source is
prevalent results in consumer choice that is arguably unparalleled in closed
source ecosystems. Open source software has a clear advantage in some
domains, for example, in the area of wikis. Freely downloadable open source
solutions are plentiful and comparable in terms of quality to their
expensive, closed source counterparts.

A deeper understanding of the nature of the community is also critical in
determining the nature of support that will be available for an open source
software. It is important to consider the nature of the resources the
community has to offer in relation to the capabilities of your organization.
For example, the Tikiwiki and Drupal communities have a large number of
highly technical members who can provide support at a high level of
technical sophistication. On the other hand, another popular content
management system Joomla, has a relatively smaller team of technical experts
combined with a larger community of less technical but more design oriented
individuals such as graphic designers and web designers. Largely as a result
of this structure, the Joomla support forums tend to become somewhat
overwhelmed with questions of a "how-to" nature. Discussions over more
complex technical issues are therefore less prominent. On the other hand, it
is much easier to find consultants that are able to make low cost design
customizations for Joomla than it is for Drupal or Tikiwiki. Another benefit
of open source software like Joomla that is exposed to a wider swath of
mainstream users is that they tend to be more user-friendly, although this
usually comes at a price of reduced functionality." (


" at the end of the day, the most crucial issue is the development
community. It is the strength and the diversity of the development community
which is the best indicator for the health and the well-being of an Open
Source project.

But what about end-users, I hear people cry? End users are important, to the
extent that they provide ego-strokes to the developers, and to the extent
that they provide testing and bug reports to the developers, and to the
extent that they provide an economic justification to companies who employ
open source developers to continue to do so. But ultimately, the effects of
end-users on an open source project is only in a very indirect way.

Moreover, if you ask commercial end users what they value about Open Source,
a survey by Computer Economics indicated that the number one reason why
customers valued open source was “reduced dependence on software vendors”,
which end users valued 2 to 1 over “lower total cost of ownership”. What’s
important to commercial end users is that they be able to avoid the effects
of vendor lock-in, which implies that if all of the developers are employed
by one vendor, it doesn’t provide the value the end users were looking for.

*This is why whether a project’s developers are dominated by employees from
a single company is so important.* The license under which the code is
released is merely just the outward trappings of an open source project.
What’s really critical is the extent to which the development costs are
shared across a vast global community of developers who have many different
means of support. This saves costs to the companies who are using a product
being developed in such a fashion; it gives choice to customers about
whether they can get their support from company A or company B; programmers
who don’t like the way things are going at one company have an easier time
changing jobs while still working on the same project; it’s a win-win-win

In contrast, if a project decides to release its code under an open source
license, but nearly all the developers remain employed by a single company,
it doesn’t really change the dynamic compared to when the project was
previously under a closed-source license. It is a necessary but not
sufficient step towards attracting outside contributors, and eventually
migrating towards having a true open source development community. But if
those further steps are not taken, the hopes that users will think that some
project is “cool” because it is under an open-source license will ultimately
be in vain. The “Generation Y”/Millennial Generation in particular are very
sensitive indeed to Astroturfing-style marketing tactics." (

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:45 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Has anyone made the distinction between the openness of the production
> organization and openness of the schemes and code to be produced by that
> organization?
> The production of open source software and hardware is typically governed
> by a hierarchical organization of leaders, co-leaders, and contributors and,
> while there can be N different distributions or versions of software or
> hardware produced by N such organizations, each production organization is a
> closed system with usually one leader at the top of the hierarchy, a few 2nd
> tier leaders (or co-leaders), project managers and tens to thousands of
> contributors, all governed by an implicit or explicit set of governance
> rules (e.g. democratic voting, leader dictates, leader decides by consensus,
> etc)
> In contract, the software code or hardware scheme itself (as opposed to the
> production organization) is completely open.
> So when people say "open manufacturing" or "open source software" or "open
> source hardware" they only describe the process, code or scheme. They do not
> describe the "production organization" which is made of people not code or
> schemes and which matters more than the code or schemes.
> It's just as important IMO to open up the production organizations, by
> using process hierarchies instead of structural hierarchies, as it is to
> open up the software or hardware produced by those organizations.
> People forget that the reason for openness is to evolve higher
> consciousness as a society (of people) and so by opening up the software and
> hardware but keeping the human production systems entrenched in structural
> hierarchies (as opposed to process hierarchies) we only win half of the
> battle. It's far more important at this point in the evolution of the
> openness movement to focus on opening up the production organizations by
> abandoning structural hierarchies where the power if those at the top
> increases with the increase in the size of the hierarchy giving us
> bureaucrats as the final answer!
> It is important to start thinking of 'process hierarchies' which allow
> orderly and constructive production systems but do not create fixed centers
> of power (or dependency)
> ~~
> I will be adding this as a new section to the P2P Energy Economy under
> "Open Production Organization" and add that as a pre-requisite for
> Sustainable Abundance.
> Marc
> 2009/3/16 Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
>> Dear Kevin, dear Vic:
>> Kevin, thanks for mentioning our work to Vic.
>> The specific areas where we collate information on open design and
>> distributed manufacturing are:
>> - http://p2pfoundation.net/<http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives>
>> Category:Design
>> - http://p2pfoundation.net/<http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives>
>> Category:Manufacturing
>> (well lay-outed overview article at
>> http://www.masternewmedia.org/how-peer-production-and-economic-p2p-model-can-subvert-physical-production/
>> )
>> In the blog:
>> - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/open-design
>> - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/desktop-manufacturing
>> Tags:
>> http://del.icio.us/mbauwens/P2P-Design
>> http://del.icio.us/mbauwens/P2P-Hardware
>> http://del.icio.us/mbauwens/P2P-Manufacturing
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Kevin Carson <
>> free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Keegan:
>>> As a member of several mailing lists frequented by Vinay Gupta and
>>> other open-source manufacturing enthusiasts, I thoroughly appreciated
>>> your sympathetic treatment in the recent Guardian article.
>>> You might be interested, if you're not already familiar with it, in
>>> Michel Bauwens' Foundation for P2P Alternatives, which does a lot of
>>> work on open-source manufacturing models.  Wiki:
>>> <http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives>
>>> Blog: <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>
>>> You might also be interested in Open Source Ecology's "Factor E Farm"
>>> demo project in the Kansas City area, which is developing an "Open
>>> Village Construction Set" (including CEB Press, tractor, solar
>>> steam-powered generator, sawmill, multimachine, etc.)  Most of the
>>> machinery (including the multimachine itself) can be produced with the
>>> multimachine, and powered either by the generator or by using the
>>> tractor as prime mover.  So the entire package, once prototyped and
>>> demonstrated, is virally replicable.
>>> OSE Wiki: <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Main_Page>
>>> Factor E Farm blog: <http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/>
>>> There's one statement in your article I'd qualify:
>>> "Open source hardware doesn't have the same power as software if only
>>> because the final product, as opposed to the designs, can't be
>>> replicated for no extra cost as software can."
>>> OS hardware may not ever quite reach the "free beer," as opposed to
>>> "free speech," version of free.  But most of the cost of manufactured
>>> goods, arguably, is artificial.  It results from embedded rents on
>>> artificial property like trademarks (what Tom Peters gushingly calls
>>> "ephemera" and "intellect," as opposed to actual cost of labor and
>>> materials), and from legally mandated requirements for minimum
>>> capitalization (e.g., "safety" regulations whose main effect is to
>>> mandate minimum overhead costs and erect barriers to small-scale
>>> production in the informal and household economy using spare capacity
>>> on capital goods we already own, so that the only way to operate
>>> profitably with the mandated overhead is to engage in large batch
>>> production).  Eliminate all this, so that the capital equipment for
>>> manufacturing is individually affordable and larger amounts of capital
>>> can be microfinanced and crowdsourced, and we're a long way toward
>>> making the boundary between "free speech" and "free beer" a lot more
>>> permeable
>>> Right now most of our economy is still built around Sloanist mass
>>> production, with artificially inflated capitalization and inventory,
>>> and all the push distribution and planned obsolescence required to
>>> keep the wheels turning and avoid idle capacity.
>>> Do away with the subsidies to centralization, the protections against
>>> competition, and the barriers to small-scale production, and most of
>>> it would be replaced with small scale production.  A good part of this
>>> would be an informal and household economy of microbreweries,
>>> microbakeries, microindustry using multimachines, etc.  The rest would
>>> be distributed manufacturing on the Emilia-Romagna model (small-batch
>>> production with general-purpose machinery, on a demand-pull basis,
>>> with modular product design for ease of repair and recycling).  About
>>> the only things left for centralized manufacturing would be stuff like
>>> microprocessors and the few heavy internal combustion engines that
>>> would still be needed in a decentralized economy, stuff that it's
>>> simply physically impossible to produce on a distributed basis.
>>> This was the subject of a quarterly paper I did at Center for a
>>> Stateless Society: <http://c4ss.org/content/78>
>>> Best,
>>> Kevin
>>> --
>>> Kevin Carson
>>> Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS): http://c4ss.org/
>>> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
>>> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
>>> Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
>>> http://www.mutualist.org/id47.html
>>> Anarchist Organization Theory Project
>>> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> p2presearch mailing list
>>> p2presearch at listcultures.org
>>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>> --
>> Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
>> http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -
>> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>> Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
>> http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -
>> http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>> Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
>> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
>> http://www.shiftn.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> p2presearch mailing list
>> p2presearch at listcultures.org
>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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