[p2p-research] Fwd: I: Sustainable Innovation 09

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 16:06:37 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eugenia Laghezza <elaghezza at yahoo.it>
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 9:52 PM
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Eugenia Laghezza
+39 3487681993

--- Ven 20/3/09, RCarruthers.t1 <rcarruthers.t1 at ucreative.ac.uk> ha scritto:

> Da: RCarruthers.t1 <rcarruthers.t1 at ucreative.ac.uk>
> A:
> Data: Venerdì 20 marzo 2009, 14:43
> We are continuing to update our database.
> If you do not wish to receive event updates please advise
> and we will
> remove your email address from the system.
> Sustainable Innovation 09
> Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution
> 26th-27th October 2009
> Farnham Castle, Farnham, UK
> Organised by: The Centre for Sustainable Design
> (www.cfsd.org.uk
> <http://www.cfsd.org.uk/> )
> Download interviews on low carbon innovation from speakers
> at
> Sustainable Innovation 08
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJV6gkh-x8Q&feature=channel_page
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJV6gkh-x8Q&feature=channel_page>
> http://www.cfsd.org.uk/videos
> <http://www.cfsd.org.uk/videos>
> Background
> The financial, food, fuel and climate crises are
> individually serious
> issues, but in combination their impact could be
> catastrophic for the
> global economy. Perhaps we stand at a crossroads. Even as
> we move into a
> global economic downturn there are growing calls for an
> accelerated
> transformation towards low carbon and resource productive
> economies. To
> move forward will require new and more efficient solutions,
> technologies
> and products alongside behavioural change. Climate change
> is now
> universally recognised as a significant global
> environmental challenge
> and as a consequence, debate over the measures needed to
> tackle climate
> change has moved up to the top of the agenda amongst civil
> society,
> business and government. The United Nations Climate Change
> Conference in
> Copenhagen in December 2009 will highlight the major
> challenges and
> opportunities associated with climate change as we move
> towards post
> 2012 carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction targets. In October
> 2008, the UK
> raised the bar by announcing a target of cutting CO2
> emissions by 80% by
> 2050. Innovation will be a core part of the way forward.
> The Stern
> Review underlined that increased investment in R&D and
> innovation could
> significantly reduce CO2 emissions and we have seen more
> than $5 billion
> of venture capital invested in cleantech worldwide since
> January 2007
> (Source: Ernst & Young). However, we need to create
> much better
> international, national and regional structures and systems
> to adapt to
> climate change as well those to stimulate, nurture and
> progress new low
> carbon ideas through R&D to commercialisation and the
> marketplace. A new
> system is needed that fosters sustainable, low carbon and
> resource
> productive innovation - short, medium and long-term.
> Designers,
> innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers and
> governments all have
> a role to play in the change that is needed.
> Concept
> Sustainable Innovation 09 will provide a platform to
> discuss the future
> opportunities and challenges related to the design,
> development and
> commercialisation of low carbon innovation, technologies,
> products and
> services. Sustainable Innovation 09 will include invited
> and refereed
> papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs,
> investors, technology
> providers, designers, sustainability, environment and
> Corporate Social
> Responsibility (CSR) managers as well as other business
> functions. The
> event will be a unique learning experience, networking
> space and an
> opportunity to think. Delegates will come globally from
> large companies,
> entrepreneurs, as well as academia, government and
> non-governmental
> organisations (NGOs). The conference is supported by an
> international
> Advisory Board.
> Conference topics
> Sustainable Innovation 09 welcomes conceptual and
> research-based papers
> covering sustainable innovation, technology, product and
> service design
> and development. Papers focused on low carbon solutions and
> sustainable
> innovation related to the following topics are particularly
> welcomed:
> *          Radical change
> *          Market transformation
> *          Sustainable Consumption & Production
> *          Regional approaches
> *          Product policy
> *          Sustainable public procurement
> *          New business models
> *          Collaborations and partnerships
> *          Sustainable technologies
> *          Innovation processes
> *          Supply chain management
> *          Product-service-systems (PSS)
> *          Management systems
> *          Organisational dimensions
> *          Sustainable product design and development
> *          Product-related carbon footprinting
> *          Methodologies
> *          Case studies
> Benefits
> Sustainable Innovation 09 will provide a range of benefits
> to speakers
> and delegates:
> *          Unique:                  Forum for new ideas and
> concepts
> *          Leading-edge:     Presentations from key
> international
> researchers, practioners and policy-makers
> *          Content:                 New research, results
> and thinking
> *          Networking:          Opportunities to meet
> business,
> government and academia
> *          Track-record:        Over 1500 delegates from
> over 40
> countries have attended previous conferences
> *          Established:         14th international
> conference
> Submission details
> Conference papers: please email to SI09 at ucreative.ac.uk,
> fax or post up
> to 500 words describing your proposed paper by 30th March
> 2009. The
> paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for
> evaluation and authors
> will be given feedback by the end of May 2009. The highest
> rated papers
> will be invited to present at the conference. Please only
> submit
> abstracts if you have a budget to attend the conference.
> Contact
> For more information on Sustainable Innovation 09 please
> contact:
> Martin Charter, Director,  The Centre for Sustainable
> Design,
> University for the Creative Arts, UK
> Tel:     + 00 44 (0) 1252 892772         Fax: + 00 44 (0)
> 1252-892747
> Email: mcharter at ucreative.ac.uk
> <mailto:mcharter at ucreative.ac.uk>
> Website: www.cfsd.org.uk <http://www.cfsd.org.uk/>

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