[p2p-research] Fwd: GreenMoney Spring09 E-news--Green Economy: Ethical Business & Sustainable Profits

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 15:34:19 CET 2009

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From: Cliff Feigenbaum <cliffgmj at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:02 PM
Subject: GreenMoney Spring09 E-news--Green Economy: Ethical Business &
Sustainable Profits
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

       [image: GMJ
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*In This Issue:*  *

Amy Domini Interviews Jay Falk CEO of SocialFunds.com
* *

1% for the Planet - Keep Earth in Business
* *

Ten New Green Mutual Funds
* *

Market Meltdown & Investing in a Sustainable World
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*Lead sponsor of this issue*
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 Now is the time for Socially Responsible Investing to shine.

In the midst of financial meltdown, the triple bottom line of people, planet
and profits is where we begin anew, from Main Street and from Wall Street.
Yet another gift offered by this financial crisis is the opportunity to
examine more closely our own relationships with money and spending. New
economic sobriety today means financial health and well-being tomorrow. What
does real financial prosperity look like to you?

Of course financial recovery based on the Green economy is essential. The
Green economy will need on-going innovation and capital, both of which will
help provide green jobs and energy independence while meeting the long-term
needs of the planet and its creatures. There could be millions of jobs in
recycling, solar, wind, water, and biofuels, as well as in energy
conservation (homes and buildings) and greener transportation. Look, too,
for safe, local organic food production as yet another answer to global
health and quality of life challenges. We believe that sustainable business
means long-term profits, and that renewable energy will power the future.

Yet another gift offered by this financial crisis is the opportunity to
examine more closely our own relationships with money and spending. New
economic sobriety today means financial health and well-being tomorrow. What
does real financial prosperity look like to you?
  Icon Series: SRI leaders interviewing other leaders
 [image: Amy+Jay-2]

GreenMoney launches this new series with Amy Domini, a true SRI icon,
interviewing Jay Falk, who with a variety of websites keeps us very well
informed on the world of SRI and CSR. Since 1999 his main website,
has been an invaluable resource for individual investors, financial
professionals and institutional investors.

AMY:  Jay, you've been through it from both the investment advisory side and
from the information sharing side. Have you seen shifts in the way
practitioners work with their clients to provide SRI services in a more
meaningful way -- e.g. multi-manager, funds not stocks, CDFI opportunities,
activism activities?

JAY:  I believe today's advisors are more informed and better equipped to
serve their SRI clients. As such, the scope and quality of the services
offered to social investors by practitioners has improved considerably,
especially in the last 10 years.

For mutual fund investors, advisors can now offer over 180 multi-screened
SRI mutual funds, compared to just 50 such funds in 1998. This larger group
of funds means that advisors have a broader range of investment styles and
asset classes at their disposal.

It is worth noting that most advisors subscribe to research tools that allow
them to assess the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance
of publicly traded companies. The corporate research firms that provide
these tools have increased the number of companies they cover and use more
sophisticated research methods to assess companies. Furthermore, some
investment firms subscribe to multiple research providers, enabling their
advisors to get different perspectives on company performance.

Advisors also have access to several different community investment options
that did not exist a few years ago. At the same time, some advisors still
have a limited menu of community investments due to the regulatory
environment in which they operate. Going forward I expect more community
investment opportunities to emerge.

Although not unique to SRI practitioners, there has been a dramatic shift
from commission-based to fee-based financial services. This arrangement
includes quarterly performance reporting so that clients can more easily
assess their progress. Within the context of a fee-based relationship, many
advisors have discretionary trading authority, enabling them to spend more
time researching investment opportunities and providing more personalized
service to their clients.

AMY:  When I think of the people sitting around the table 15 and even 20
years ago, you were there. What most surprises you about the growth and
development of the field? Did it proceed along the lines you foresaw?

JAY:  Without a doubt the biggest surprise has been the growth of the
industry's influence in just the last three or four years. Spectacular
corporate governance failures, daunting climate change statistics, and some
of the underlying causes of the financial crisis have all conspired to make
social investment more relevant and prescient today than ever.

I have also found the near simultaneous uptake of SRI or aspects of SRI by
some of the most prominent names in the financial industry (e.g. Morgan
Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Merrill Lynch) during the same period somewhat
surprising. That said, I think this speaks to the compelling nature of the
issues being addressed by social investors, as well as strategies being

The emergence of large networks of institutional investors such as the
Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI), Investor Network on Climate Risk
(INCR), and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) provide examples of how this
industry has changed recently. The Carbon Disclosure Project, for example,
now includes 385 signatory institutional investors from around the world
representing a remarkable $57 trillion in assets. This investor network is
quite possibly the largest of any kind and speaks to the magnitude of
climate change and its relevance to investors.

                                READ FULL
  [image: Link to Architecture
Organization Profile
 *by Terry Kellogg / * CEO, 1% for the Planet
[image: 1% For the Planet Homepage]
As we all know, charitable giving was hit hard in 2008. With few exceptions,
foundations cut giving commensurate with their own loss in assets; they
refused to evaluate new recipients, or they froze giving altogether. Similar
trends emerged among individual donors. The early read is that giving from
the 1% for the Planet network will buck this trend since the organization
continues to set growth records and donations tied to sales are more
insulated from movements in the financial market. It's worth a moment of
reflection on how this all came about.

1% for the Planet exists to build and support an alliance of businesses
financially committed to creating a healthy planet. We are a rapidly growing
global network of companies that donate one percent of sales to
organizations working on sustainability worldwide. And we are a brand that
engages and inspires a powerful citizenry to make informed choices as

Here's how 1% for the Planet works: we license the 1% for the Planet
trademark for use by member companies. Members give directly to the
organizations they choose; money does not pass through 1% for the Planet.
Members pay annual dues (part of their one percent) based on revenues. We
certify that member companies annually meet their one percent commitment. We
maintain a database of recipient organizations that are eligible to receive

Patagonia broke ground in the 1980's when it committed ten percent of its
profits to environmental causes. 1% for the Planet grew out of the
realization (on the part of Patagonia founder, Yvon Chouinard) that a
company's pledge to give a percent of profits doesn't go far enough.
                                READ FULL
  Ten New Green Mutual Funds
 by Ted Ketcham / GreenMoney Journal

Charles Dickens' "worst of times" has seemed sadly appropriate in this era
of financial meltdown. Nevertheless, as Dickens (and perhaps Barack Obama)
would remind us, it may also be the "best of times" as adversity stimulates
cooperation and innovation seldom observed when everything seems to be going

Here, are ten Green mutual funds, each offering new prospects to participate
in social and environmental responsibility while profiting from our
expanding need to conserve and sustain global resources.

They include: (See their Top Ten Holdings and read about their Investment
Objectives and Strategies by clicking the 'full story' link below.)

1) Appleseed Fund
2) Integrity Growth & Income Fund
3) Wells Fargo Advantage Social Sustainability Fund
4) Dreyfus Global Sustainability Fund
5) Calvert Large Cap Value Fund
6) Calvert Global Water Fund
7) Pax World Global Green Fund
8) Pax World International Fund
9) Pax World Small Cap Fund
10) Firsthand Alternative Energy Fund
READ FULL STORY<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102475426948&e=001Y1bpQZziDNDiEp7ffkYq3qazjy0-FcqAwlTjJ-VuEiCer5idtNim_-pP886f9Ic_tzXIl8wLsv1FZqnGJWsg7moH90Cp4vE5UjFwh17GQ3ZFkuCAfx52jJ2YK6y7PhnPuEXugtYY5B0AZly-aAt_rj5JuXxw9G5z3sg4pgmw8hGCuFwHkL6G1PE6MTUCmH9Y>
  *Market Meltdown: Trillion-Dollar Advertorial for New Investment
Approaches  (part 1 & 2)*  [image: Matt Kiernan] *by Dr. Matthew J. Kiernan
*CEO, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors
One can take no satisfaction from the current meltdown in the global capital
markets. However, if there is any silver lining within that massive
financial cloud, it is the fact that the entire episode should serve as a
wake-up call for international investors. More precisely, it is also a
trillion-dollar advertorial for the broader analytical power, perspective
and insights, and potential added value of "sustainability-enhanced"
investment analysis and strategies. (To be clear, I define
"sustainability-enhanced" simply as "including a sophisticated analysis of
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk and opportunity factors in
one's investment analysis of companies"). If ever there were a "teaching
moment" during which Wall Street's "Masters of the Universe" might finally
be open to new analytical and investment approaches, it is now.

In that sense, the timing of my new book, Investing in a Sustainable World:
Why Green is the New Color of Money on Wall Street, may be propitious. In
addition to the arrival in the White House of President Obama and his "Green
Dream Team", we have new House Energy and Commerce chair Henry Waxman, a
passionate advocate for action on environmental issues, notably including
climate change. Throw in Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, now calling publicly
for a carbon tax, and the geopolitical planets are coming into perfect

The first half of this article recapitulates some central arguments from my
book; the expanded version (on greenmoney.com) provides a brief explanation
of the analytical approach taken at my firm - Innovest Strategic Value

The sub-prime debacle and its collateral damage have cruelly exposed the
profound limitations and inadequacies of traditional investment analysis and
risk management. If anything remained of the illusion of Wall Street
omniscience before the current crisis, certainly none does now. The fact
that it was sustainability analysts who were the first to detect and draw
clients' attention to the sub-prime iceberg back in October 2006 only
reinforces the credibility of the entire analytical paradigm, with its
long-term time horizon and more holistic, 360 degree risk radar.

READ FULL STORY<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102475426948&e=001Y1bpQZziDNDFQ3PKmRDJLhDDvy8f18BAcG4odPgVU-FaXSQ608mwFXo_i6pd24rnqxFHA2Legq4qfEv6vKxpyY0ce35pqbIvCpkLdJ3hhYQtfvzy9TmBrmOuwqEwc_9SqwopSwZHdEb4xxpSY6waVHUJj5xKy8WyoSsvlpO94tlZnkQ6VmSb-fg5lBL-bYxF>
      [image: Founder of GMJ, Cliff Feigenbaum]

EMAIL CLIFF <cliffgmj at gmail.com>

Join in the Green economy conversation--email me your
financial comments and we'll post them on our site. And
watch for our new GreenMoney Blog coming online in May.
Thank you for reading GreenMoney print Journal & Enews!

Now, more than ever, GreenMoney Journal has the financial information you
can trust.

Cliff Feigenbaum,  founder & publisher / ® Green Money is a registered
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