[p2p-research] Themepunks/Makers

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 17:20:53 CET 2009

Anyone here read the serialized initial chapters of Cory Doctorow's
Themepunks, at Salon?  I queried Doctorow re the expected publication
date of the print novel, and he said he's sending it to the publisher
this week and expects it to be for sale (under the title Makers) in

The serialized portion, the first third of the book, was excellent.
It was an account of an explosion of desktop manufacturing, set
against the background of an imploding corporate economy.  He gave
hints in the online chapters that things would go badly for the
homebrew production movement, which I'm sure will be a letdown, but I
still look forward to how it turns out.

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
Anarchist Organization Theory Project

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