[p2p-research] Fwd: 24 p2presearch moderator request(s) waiting

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon Mar 16 09:03:48 CET 2009

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 08:38:37 AM +0100, Martien van Steenbergen wrote:

> In MailMan   Privacy Options   Sender filters:
> ...
>     Set Action to take for postings from non-members for which no
>     explicit action is defined.  to Reject (or Discard ).

discard is much better than reject. The latter, in practice, is almost
like spamming. Spammers often use real "from" addresses stolen
somewhere online. If you reject a spam message, almost always you
actually spam with that message somebody who never sent it in the
first place.

Of course, if you silently discard, real, good faith posts from non
subscribers are removed forever and their senders will never
know... but this is a compromise you must accept if you want to keep
this manageable. And if you clearly announce that this is the new list
policy, your conscience is clear :-)

> the members' email addresses are only visible to the list admin,
> avoiding collection by bots for spamming.

if addresses are hidden it doesn't hurt, of course, but no subscriber
should ever count on this to be a sufficient measure to avoid being
spammed, some day, at the addresss he or she uses to subscribe to this
or any other list.

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