[p2p-research] Writing AutoPurge plugin for MailMan (was: Re: [p2pf] Fwd: switching to another mailing list if nobody comes forward before Monday)

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 18:26:37 CET 2009

The password was visible to all including anyone who is not a list
member who can view the list archive.

Thus, we should consider the possibility that someone took the
password and made him/herself an admin and changed the password.

Patrick's method is the right way imo

On 3/15/09, Patrick Anderson <AGNUcius at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does Ned have an email addr?  Can't we ask for the password again?
> What login name are you using?
> If you are using a web interface (through a browser) the following
> doesn't apply:
> If you are using ssh or telnet for an interactive text-terminal
> "shell" login, you are usually denied remote access as 'root'.  The
> workaround is to instead [login] as your regular Username and then use
> either the 'su' or 'sudo' command to Administer.
> ++++
> Michel, or anyone who has this info:
> Forward the correct LoginName and PassWord for shell access to me.
> I'll schedule a simple shell script to run daily that that looks for
> posts from "unsubscribed" and deletes the associated files or DataBase
> entries.
> After that we can write a patch or plugin for MailMan allowing
> auto-purge based on regexp.
> Patrick Anderson
> AGNUcius at Gmail

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