[p2p-research] Fwd: 24 p2presearch moderator request(s) waiting

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Fri Mar 13 15:03:57 CET 2009

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 09:17:41 AM +0100, Martien van Steenbergen wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Solution: create a new list, with a new name and bring all existing
> members over to that new list.  Remove any and all references to the
> new list from all webpages.  Gets rid of spam. Might avoid future
> spam.

Changing the list disrupts service (all members should update their
address books, filtering rules, etc) and above all it's unnecessary,
especially if done that way. Even in theory (in practice, it wouldn't
be enough anyway) "remove all references from webpages" would be
absolutely useless unless it meant "stop keeping public archives". Do
we want that to happen?

The only solution is to configure mailman in such a way that:

*) all messages from unsubscribed users are either deleted
   automatically as they arrive, or

*) the whole queue of pending messages can be cleared with some
   one-click action from the administrator every once in a while,
   taking no more than 2/3 minutes per week.

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