[p2p-research] Fwd: grave threats to internet freedoms concocted in european parliament

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 13:07:49 CET 2009

this should concern all our european friends!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Monica Horten <monica.horten at iptegrity.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: exemplary usage of social media in french counter-hadopi
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
Cc: celia blanco <seliabv at gmail.com>, james burke <lifesized at gmail.com>

Hi Michel
There is worse  to come - amendments that threaten to make Internet access
'conditional'  -  I intend to write about it over the w/e and into next

Michel Bauwens wrote:

> Hi Celia,
> I will be unconnected and on the road most of the time from tomorrow until
> the ninth,
> I hope you can monitor this and eventually post important items on ning or
> on the regular blog,
> if you need access to the regular blog, james can provide it,
> Michel
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Monica Horten
> <monica.horten at iptegrity.com>wrote:
>  Dear Michel
>> Just to update you, the Telecoms Package is now getting crucial in terms
>> of
>> timing. Deadlines are next week I think for amendments.
>> There are some horrible amendments circulating which will create more
>> restrictions, threaten net neutrality  and make p2p more threatened.
>> I personally feel that whatever is decided in the Package, will be what we
>> have to live with for the next few years, therefore, it is vital to make
>> your views known in the next week or so, and certainly before the
>> committee
>> votes which are scheduled for 31 March.
>> My feeling is that the "traffic management policies" that the telcos want,
>> are intended to deal with P2p as well as offer differential
>> (discriminatory)
>> services. Indeed, when you read the telco literature, that is exactly what
>> they plan to do. Thus, if the legislation goes throught, the telcos will
>> have, among other things, carte blanche to stop p2p if they want to.
>> Keep an eye on my website and on the LaQuadrature  website.
>> I think the  coalition move was good, but it may need following up.. .
>> The industry is lobbying heavily against net neutrality.
>> also the Medina report has resurfaced, and looks like a vote next week
>> with
>> amendments for Monday.
>> I think there is a move to do a blackout campaign in Spain similar to the
>> LQ one in France.
>> Monica
>> Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>  http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcc4bmg2_26c5fx79hd
>>> Dear Celia,
>>> this seems like a very innovative usage of social media in a campaign for
>>> p2p rights
>>> could you perhaps try your hand at an article referencing it, for our
>>> english blog?
>>> Michel
>>>  --
>> Monica Horten MA DipM
>> PhD research,  Communications and Media Research Institute,  University of
>> Westminster
>> Tel: +44 (0)1628  672155
>> Mobile: +44 (0)7787 512887
>> Email: monica.horten at iptegrity.com
>> Skype:  monicahorten
>> Website: http://www.iptegrity.com
>> The Political Battle for Online Content in the European Union  - downloads
>>  v  copyright  v  free expression
>> In the media: Telecom TV - Deep Packet Inspection Under its own Spotlight
>> http://web20.telecomtv.com/pages/?newsid=43798&id=e9381817-0593-417a-8639-c4c53e2a2a10
Monica Horten MA DipM
PhD research,  Communications and Media Research Institute,  University of

Tel: +44 (0)1628  672155
Mobile: +44 (0)7787 512887
Email: monica.horten at iptegrity.com
Skype:  monicahorten
Website: http://www.iptegrity.com

The Political Battle for Online Content in the European Union  - downloads
 v  copyright  v  free expression

In the media: Telecom TV - Deep Packet Inspection Under its own Spotlight

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
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