[p2p-research] Fwd: oXcars, The Movie

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 11:16:01 CET 2009

Hi everybody,

we release the documentary about the biggest event of free Culture ever, The
oXcars, The Movie.

Here the resume (clic on subtitles) and the full lenght (70 minutes):

On the same page of the oXcars (
http://exgae.net/exgae-multiply-and-share-forth/theoxcars) you are going to
be able to found its best version (we still need few days to
get the best quality) and to download it from the 10 of march.
For HD quality, due to the size, please contact us.
We also offer a practical presentation/workshop with an endding live
copyleft session. Here some more information on the workshop:

See you at the oXcars 2009!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: eXgae <exgae at moviments.net>
Date: 2009/3/3
Subject: oXcars, The Movie
To: destinatarios-no-revelados

scroll down for english

Hola a todos,

ve la luz el documental de la Gran Gala de cultura libre, Los oXcars 2008,
The Movie.

aquí resumen y Largo (70 minutos):

En la misma página de los oXcars (http://exgae.net/los-oxcars) lo vais a
poder encontrarlo en su version mejorada (todavia faltan unos dias para la
calidad optima) y en descarga a partir del día 10 de marzo.
Para calidad HD, visto su peso, poneros en contacto con nosotros.
También ofrecemos un taller práctico de presentación con una live session
copyleft de cierre. Aquí más informaciones sobre el taller:

¡Nos vemos en Los oXcars 2009!


Hi everybody,

we release the documentary about the biggest event of free Culture ever, The
oXcars, The Movie.

Here the resume (clic on subtitles) and the full lenght (70 minutes):

On the same page of the oXcars (
http://exgae.net/exgae-multiply-and-share-forth/theoxcars) you are going to
be able to found its best version (we still need few days to
get the best quality) and to download it from the 10 of march.
For HD quality, due to the size, please contact us.
We also offer a practical presentation/workshop with an endding live
copyleft session. Here some more information on the workshop:

See you at the oXcars 2009!



¡Molina Pírate! y deja en paz al P2P


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