[p2p-research] Money is used by people to obstruct far greater fears

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 15:16:04 CET 2009

> The relationship man has with "money" is one where man uses money to
> obfuscate far deeper fears.
> Marc

Interesting. Clare W Graves (http://clarewgraves.com) theorized that money,
laws, and other technologies and patterns associated with civilization
tended to emerge among people who were shifting to a more group-centric

One can argue that the emotion of fear has roots all the way back to the
first vertebrates (comparative neuroanatomy recent findings, could provide
reference if you care). So, all of us vertebrates are evolving ways to
obfuscate fear. The core of our brains (going all the way back to fish)
creates the emotion of "fear".

Money could be included in "ways to obfuscate fear". So, I am not saying you
are wrong, but that there is a little more to it, I believe. One other
factor to consider is what Ross Mayfield calls the "ecosystem of networks"
http://www.communitywiki.org/EcosystemOfNetworks  that shows that currency
is a system that is instituted (often from the top down) among larger
networks of people.

I don't know the history of every currency, but I believe that most of them
do not come about in a democratized way. So, rulers, governments, etc
thoughout the ages have recognized that a way to mediate their rule in the
larger networks of 1000's + is via a "broadcast" medium. I contend that
government issue currency is an early example of such a broadcast medium.
("Medium" in this case being used in a "Media Ecology" defined context). So,
to consolidate rule, governments issue currencies.

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
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email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

"Long ago, we brought you all this fire.
Do not imagine we are still chained to that rock...."

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