[p2p-research] peer production and wildfire activities

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 13:15:04 CEST 2009

Hi Andrea,

thanks for sending me

sorry for the late reply, I was in a german castle without internet for 5
days ...

As a general remark: I make a difference between insect-like swarming, based
on stigmergy, and peer production around common goals which is market by
value rationality.

Of course, swarming can have that intentionality, but not necessarily so, as
say, in a stock market rally ...

The differentiation between the invisible hand of the market (no common goal
by atomistic actors) and the visible hand of peer production is an important
one in my opintion,


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Andrea Botero <andrea.botero at taik.fi>wrote:

> Hola Michel
> I stumbled today into the new line of work of Yrjö Engeström and thought to
> send the link to you in case you have not stumbled upon it which I am sure
> you have but just in case
> Wildfire Activities: New Patterns of Mobility and Learning
> Engeström, Yrjö
> International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, Vol. 1, Issue 2
> The article argues for a historical perspective on mobility and learning.
> In social production or peer production, mobility takes the shape of
> expansive swarming, sideways transitions and boundary-crossing. The notion
> of wildfire activities is proposed to point out that activities such as
> birding, skateboarding, and disaster relief of the Red Cross have
> characteristics similar to those of peer production but predate internet and
> take place mainly outside the sphere of digital virtuality. Wildfire
> activities pop up in unexpected locations at unexpected times and expand
> very rapidly. They become extinguished from time to time, yet they reappear
> and flare up again. Learning in wildfire activities is learning by swarming
> that crosses boundaries and ties knots between actors. It is also learning
> by building mycorrhizae communities by means of cognitive trails and social
> bonds that make the terrains knowable and livable. The mechanism of
> stigmergy is foundational in mycorrhizae communities
> If you are familiar with this and you have time to comment on it briefly I
> will be indebt.
> kind regards from finally sunny Helsinki
> Andrea
> =========================
> Andrea Botero
> andrea.botero at taik.fi
> University of Art and Design Helsinki (TAIK)
> Media Lab, Arki reseach group
> Hämeentie 135 C 00560 FIN
> =========================

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