[p2p-research] Open Source Ecology

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Sat Jun 13 09:49:33 CEST 2009

Sorry Michel I cant do anything but fly over the messages in P2P research
from time to time; the discussion is really interesting (especially I
liked Smaris rant about anarchism with many good insights). but for me at
least part of the discussion is less important than the practical
experiment. I think it is utterly important to rally around common
activities or ongoing projects and describe them better. Let us demand to
test what really works. It could as belief-blowing as a succesful test of
nuclear fusion, and similarily uncomfortable and disturbing even for the
enlightened mind. For example, I think we will not have a satisfactory
answer to the money problem unless we really put different proposals to
work out in regional scale (including what I still would prefer to
describe as non-reciprocal gift economies, commons-based contribution
economies and other schemes, keeping in mind that really the property
question remains n fact central). And we all as different as we are have a
clearly defined common interest to let such things like experiments in
social innovation happen, and at a higher level, we should be able to
formulate such an interest and give it political form - and also give some
part of our energy to the promotion of such experiments. Never before the
public ear has been more receptive to such proposals, but I see more than
ever before nothing but idiots dominating the political scene who just
claim to have a clue to everything.

This has to change radically. There is incredible thirst for another
anwer. And I hope that we will be able to discuss that soon when we meet.

Furthermore and regarding the currently most promising social experiment
and its implications, I issued a post on the globalvillages list and added
a second one to stimulate our communities to take part in the critical
phase of transformation of Open Source Ecology into a virtual global
endavour. Its simply not true that developments like these could happen
spontaneusly, it needs a lot of help and participation and critical
cooperation of intellectuals and bright minds. I see my function as a
door-opener who facilitates mental and communicational bridges between
people and the many meaningful movements that construct the patterns of

In this sense, I would just like to draw your attention and the attention
of all readers of the p2presearch list to the following two posts:


where I describe the current phase of the project and ask for
participation in a particular project


where I seek to make a point against underestimation of this movement also
within our own circles.

both posts are meant for broader distribution.

Thank you


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