[p2p-research] Why Post-Capitalism is Rubbish

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 16:12:16 CEST 2009

I am certainly happy to carry on a rational dialogue with any group or
individual.  I think people can disagree sharply without resort to flames or

I'll admit myself to being so far underwhelmed by the Oekon. group's general
set of ideas, but like us all, things evolve.

If someone asked me what group of thinkers most resembles the core P2P
thinking I have seen here...I would have to go with the Wikinomics blog
team:  http://www.wikinomics.com/blog/

But I may well be saying I have greater sympathy with their views than an
objective WE have more sympathy with their views.  I do see many common


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Dmytri Kleiner <dk at telekommunisten.net>wrote:

> It is unfortunate that you respond to Stan's clear question (posed to you
> before by myself and others)
> with trite fallacies and self-congratulating gibberish.
> At it is still based upon individual prices on items and transactions,
> will you explain in which way your system is not a market?
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:54:27 +0200, Christian Siefkes
> <christian at siefkes.net> wrote:
> > Hi Stan, all,
> >
> > Stan Rhodes wrote:
> >> Christian, your peerconomy is a market in everything but name.
> >
> > Yes, I know. Some people (like you) say it's like a market; some say it
> > isn't a market but would evolve into one; some say isn't not a market but
> > could never possible work; some say it could work in theory but is
> > impossible to reach from where we're now; some (in German) even said it's
> > like the classical "socialist" planned economies; some are happy with it.
> > That's one of the reasons why I think that I'm really describing
> something
> > new*: people can't agree in which way to dismiss it ;-)
> >
> > *Actually, it's not new and I don't claim it to be -- the commons- and
> > pool-based mode of production which I describe is in many ways quite old,
> > probably as old as humanity itself. But it has been almost entirely
> > forgotten -- that much is changing, however.
> >
> > Best regards
> >       Christian
> >
> > --
> > |-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net---------
> > |   Homepage: http://www.siefkes.net/   |   Blog:
> http://www.keimform.de/
> > |   Better Bayesian Analysis:           |   Peer Production Everywhere:
> > |   http://bart-project.com/            |   http://peerconomy.org/wiki/
> > |------------------------------------------ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
> > I'm afraid Mr. Stallman sometimes sounds like a broken record,
> > however I am on his side in the main.
> >         -- Michael Hart
> --
> Dmytri Kleiner
> editing text files since 1981
>  http://www.telekommunisten.net
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