[p2p-research] Why Post-Capitalism is Rubbish

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Thu Jun 11 12:32:10 CEST 2009

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> My position is that both need to be integrated, but that it is regressive to make
> non-reciprocity dependent on the needed reciprocity for material production.

It is my position that non-reciprocity is a red herring.

Rivalrous and non-rivalrous production doesn't need to be integrated, they are, 
must be, and always will be integrated, it's your analysis that is disintregated 
by not considering the whole mode of production. Don't be fooled by law
professors bearing gifts (Benkler, Lessig, etc), they exist to confuse
the issue.

> This is why
> you are restricting the commons against capitalist market players, making it into a
> non-commons or a privatized commons (though by cooperative producers)

If you are referring to to copyfarleft it is
important to note that this proposal does not apply to immaterial productive assets, 
but rather to stocks of immaterial goods, the essay goes to great lengths to make
the distinction.

> I'll restudy your distinction between peer production and cooperative production because
> my earlier understanding was that you reduced the former to the latter, but I may be
> wrong,
> will reply more extensively later, got to go,

My distinction has become more precise since the last time we had this
discussion, your comments are appreciated as always.

By the way, I've updated http://dmytri.info with an entry on Capital


Dmytri Kleiner, aspiring crank


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