[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more [named above] propaganda please

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 05:03:11 CEST 2009

Hi Stefan,

I appreciate this mail a lot.

We will work together again, no worries, as I said, time heals ...


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Stefan Merten <smerten at oekonux.de> wrote:

> Hi Michel!
> I wrote this response earlier but seemingly did not send it to
> [p2p-research] by accident :-( .
> Last week (9 days ago) Michel Bauwens wrote:
> > ok, Stefan, let's rest it for a while,
> Of course I respect your choice.
> > Perhaps in 2-3 months we can discuss and private when the high emotions
> have
> > subsided,
> May be it is possible to think about a new perspective, also. More and
> more I think there are grave misunderstandings - though there are also
> some political differences.
> > in the meantime, in a community setting, there's lot of small
> > things that will put us in contact and I will try to refrain from saying
> > things that create further strain ...
> Very much appreciated.
> > Just to summarize, what would have been necessary for me was that you
> > stopped using money trickery in any open dialogue,
> This is the most important reason for my mail. See this quote (times
> are from my original post to [ox-en]):
> 3 weeks (26 days) ago Michel Bauwens on [ox-en] wrote:
> > A question Stefan, don't you think that your continued usage of money
> > trickery, when people have repeatedly pointed out that it is hurtful and
> > shows a lack of respect for your intellectual sparring partners,
> When I saw this I wrote:
>  Well, I'm really sorry for this but I really noticed this perception
>  only when you said it here. Then I immediately pointed out why I
>  used this term and that I have no better alternative.
>  As you probably can imagine because of the high traffic on [ox-en] -
>  where this all occured - I have a big backlog and I just did not see
>  such comments yet. For instance the quote above being nearly four
>  weeks old I read five minutes ago.
>  Looking back the only sign I saw was your question whether "software
>  trickery" would be adequate - which I simply answered as a question.
> I even changed it in the subject line (and that was me for whom
> subject lines are holy and only well-defined operations are allowed on
> subject lines...).
> Again this whole conflict seems sooo unnecessary...
>                                                Grüße
>                                                Stefan

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