[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Addressing Post-Scarcity Pitfalls

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 20:39:45 CEST 2009

Peak uranium appears to be real and there is relatively little formal
comment on the topic.  If it is, and there are not realistic alternatives,
the future will be very bleak indeed.  One can be assured governments will
die producing power...and governments don't die easily.  That would mean
coal...and potential planet-ending effects of taking carbon into an end

I continue to think that small molecule power is the answer.  We need to
make those small molecules and collect them.  That will require consistent
energy--hydro, geo-therm, ocean therm, nuclear (if it can be made to last).
Nuclear is the transition for sure, however, just like hybrid cars are a
transition.  The key is to get off of carbon.


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Tomas Rawlings <tom at fluffylogic.net>wrote:

> I understood that currently there is only 40 years of Uranium left - now if
> we assume better technology will uncover more and use it better - but on the
> other hand the loss factor is that more and more countries are planning a
> 'dash for nuclear' which will squeeze supplies:
> "However, a recent report by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada said
> that there was likely to be a 45,000-tonne shortage of uranium in the next
> decade, largely because of growing Chinese demand for the metal. Prices for
> uranium have almost tripled, to about $26/lb between March 2003 and May
> 2005, after being stable for years."
> http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/industrials/article555314.ece
> p2presearch-request at listcultures.org wrote:
>> Nuclear has a huge future role.  It has to.  People who argue otherwise
>> are
>> simply hurting the planet--killing it.  We need power.  Nuclear is going
>> to
>> be the main source (period.)  We should fight to minimize it wherever we
>> can, but it is the main source.
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