[p2p-research] Mobile Updates

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Fri Jun 5 11:21:50 CEST 2009

On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> well, I'm guessing that many people are interested in the content, and not really where
> and how you wrote them, so that fact that this is invisible, is a plus for me, a sign of
> success ...

Yeah, that's part of the idea, let people recieve the message wherever
and however they want to, without forcing people to use any particular
platform to recieve it.

> the only problem I see with multiple targets is redundancy

Yes, that is the tricky part, getting this right is one of the major

> my approach is a little different, I try both for info gathering and for distribution,
> to use the different media in different ways, doing different complementary things ..
> it annoys me that I can't filter twitter for URL's only, that friendfeed and facebook
> retweet twitters ...

Yes, I have already learned that facebook should not retweet twitters
because the volume of participation which is normal for twitter comes
across as spam on facebook, which has a slower pace.

This year my development for Telekommunisten will be focused on 
improving the supportability of our products, so automated testing,
build, integration and request tracking. Next year I will focus on
marketing, so this year I am gaining knowledge by using the social media
platforms and forming opinions on best practises.

The name for the co-operative promotion platform will be asym.me/tric
and it will combine features from services like twitterfeed, ping.fm and tr.im. It's
purpose will be specifically for groups engaged in commons-based
production to promote their work.

So far, these are some of my observations:

  - (as mentioned above) let people be informed using the platforms they
  - make sure that no particular platform is required to be informed
  - make sure that "classic" internet platforms are supported, i.e.
    email, usenet, irc, etc.
  - good support for basic mobile phones is required.
  - use each platform in the most appropriate way, and with the most
    appropriate frequency.
  - make it is as easily as possible to share and pass on information from
  - analytics must be build built in

Dmytri Kleiner, aspiring crank


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