[p2p-research] Collapse

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Wed Jun 3 18:35:20 CEST 2009

Sorry, meant to add - in the book Jared speculates that masses of 
consumers, acting on values they wish to see can use their power better 
to force producers to care for commons, I suppose we have such things; 
Fair trade, boycott calls and carrot mobs; but better informed and 
organised peer groups, could go further.  e.g. one of the issues of Fair 
Trade, is the cost of certification.  So here in Bristol a community 
cinema had Feral Trade, as in the cinema got coffee from a group of 
farmers directly and the cinema's trust was used to validate the 
products as 'fair' trade.


>>     but how do you see consumption as a positive force?
> I am not sure I do, the consumers as positive force came from the book.

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