[p2p-research] Collapse

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Wed Jun 3 13:14:39 CEST 2009

I am reading Jared Diamond's book Collapse: How societies choose to fail 
or survive.

An interesting read, which in the section on what we can do to aviod 
collapse there are some interesting points re commons and peers.  The 
points he makes are;
- If people perceived that the commons, far from being common is 
somebody else problem, then they won't act effectively.  But where 
people feel a value of the commons and know the impact, they can join an 
act more effectively.  So the climate, a commons, but people don't see 
it as such?
- Even if people know that an action (e.g. overfishing) may damage a 
commons, if the perception is that somebody else will do the damage if 
that individual does not anyway (so if fisherman A does not catch the 
fish worrying about overfishing, then fisherman B will), they there is a 
personal loss to them while there is no change in the overall health of 
the commons.  (I have seen examples of this issue being overcome, i.e. 
if a fisherman catches a pregnant lobster, it is kept alive and taken to 
a holding area to give birth then claimed by the fisherman, but the 
young are still in the commons)
- the consumption end is potentially a good force for positive action, 
but they would need to be unified to act - a point for peers perhaps?

Anyway, it is an interesting book!


Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
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